Chapter 3: Lunar Discoveries

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August 1st, 1701, 14:00

"This doesn't make any sense." President JJ declared as he studied the current state of the planet from the provided 3D model. "The continents, terrain, and areas of civilization are all just wrong. Where the hell are all the other countries we trade with?"

"Unknown sir, we couldn't find any trace of them, and attempts at making overseas communications have failed." Secretary Burke responded. "However we located an unregistered fleet of unknown warships making way to our east coast. 11th Destroyer Squadron was sent to deal with them, so we should be expecting a report of the situation soon."

"How did this even happen? First our satellites go dark, then the world has changed, our country has moved from it's original spot by several hundred kilometers, and there are unknown warships approaching our waters. Someone find me an explanation and find one now!" The president was not happy.

"We're trying sir. However for now the country does not seem to be under the threat of attack at this time. We've also been receiving some interesting reports from our facility on the moon." The secretary informed which caught the president's interest. "They have reported the sudden appearance of mysterious crystals with unknown qualities. They've begun to extract some of the minerals and are beginning to run experiments on them for study."

"Crystals appearing on the lunar surface? I'm no expert on geology, but that doesn't sound natural for rocks to suddenly appear out of thin air—, or even in the vacuum of space."

"You're correct sir, it isn't natural. But whatever they are the facility's staff will figure that out."
Lunar Research & Development Facility

"Recovery team reporting in, we're approach airlock with assets in storage."

"Copy all. Containment chamber is standing by and waiting to receive in quarantine zone. Secure assets and standby for further orders."

"Understood command. Entering through airlock now." The recovery team, charged with extracting and transporting the mysterious crystals approached the now open airlock and sealed themselves inside. The chamber pressurized with a breathable atmosphere before the humans could enter and remove their EVA suits to breath in the recycled air of the moon base facility.

Once the pressurization sequence completed, the interior doors of the airlock opened and allowed entry into the large facility. Being carried with them were several reinforced class containers containing crystalline fragments from the new appearing nodes found across the lunar surface surrounding the facility. The fragments themselves were parts of crystals with unknown qualities, all showing a distinctive feature where they were glowing a bright turquoise color while emitting particles of an unknown type of radiation. Several precautions were made, such as reinforced suits to ward off radioactive particles, and a specialized containment unit prepared within quarantine where the crystals could be studied with minimal risk of exposure to staff.

The crystals were transported within another section of the facility, where the most dangerous and life threatening of experiments were tested and stored away from the rest of the facility. Such projects included proposed mutation bio weapons, deadly chemical agents, and highly volatile material with unstable reaction parameters. A chamber was set up, where the storage units for the crystals were placed, and allowed those who brought them in to leave. The chamber then sealed itself and depressurized, removing all oxygen from within. Several arms then extended out and began to remove the fragments from their storage units, manipulating them in the zero atmosphere environment.

"Fragments are now secure and contained. Let us figure out what these things are and where they came from."

While the scientists would unravel the mysteries of these strange minerals, the colony would continue to operate on it's routine basis, regardless of the appearance of strange minerals surrounding the perimeter.

The Luna-Tek Lunar Surface Colony was an impressive framework of structures and pathways set up in a two square kilometer radius, just 500 meters out from the Lunar Research & Development Facility. The colony consisted of a network of habitation modules which were designed to house an entire family or eight individuals in total. Each module was connected via a systems of paved roads which were traversed either on foot in EVA suits, or on rovers that the colonists used to drive around in the low gravity environment. Several large glass roofed domes served as the hydroponic greenhouses that provided the entire colony with it's own sustainable food source. Items included consisted of lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, and etc. a public gym was also available, allowing the colonists the opportunity to extensively work out and ensure their bodies remained fit within the low gravity environment.

The primary source of power for the entire site was a 1 terawatt fusion reactor, with an emergency backup system of 500 solar panels and power units capable of storing power for up to 24 hours of average use.

Approximately 300 meters from the colony, and 100 from the research facility was a massive airfield that was used by shuttles to both send and receive personnel and cargo. The airfield was constructed with two 2000 meter runways and taxi lanes that linked them together and to a series of pressurized hangers where the shuttles were stored. The primary shuttle used for travel between Alterra and it's moon was the Star Hopper shuttle craft, a delta-wing trans-atmospheric vehicle with a boxy yet angular design. The airframe was coated white, while the underside was padded with carbon composite panels that served as the heat shield. Providing flight in zero-g and the vacuum of space were two primary liquid hydrogen engines with the addition of RCS thrusters across the fuselage. In atmosphere the shuttle was fitted with four vectoring turbofan/scramjet engines in the wings that allowed it to engage flight in hypersonic, supersonic, and VTOL. Currently there were seven shuttles parked within ten of the hangers, while another one was taking off as it screamed down the runway, using it's RCS to point it's nose up and fly out of the moon's influence, carrying with it cargo that would be shipped back planet side.

The lunar surface was known to carry an abundance of untapped common and rare minerals that were vital to Autonoma's growing industry and development. Several mining and extraction operations were set up beyond the colony, with the intent of harvesting these minerals and prepping them from transport back planet side. The operation was set up with human miners and maintenance staff, autonomous harvester rovers, and mobile refineries that were developed specifically by Luna-Tek for the lunar surface and environment. Six primary mining sites were set up and operational, however site Echo was undergoing some issues regarding certain crystals appearing everywhere on site.

"These aren't ordinary minerals here sir." A worker announced as he approached a mysterious node of crystals which just appeared on site. "Whatever they are, our standard equipment is having issues try to process and extract them."

"We aren't the only ones it turns out." The overseer of the site called over radio. "These things apparently have appeared all over the lunar surface, and are surrounding our colony. We also just received an alert to beware of these things. Apparently they're emitting some sort of radiation, and they're just running some tests to figure out what these things are. In the meantime, steer clear and do your best to work around them. Until we know what they are, don't go trying to mine them, even if they might worth something."

"Understood boss. We'll work around them and continue operations. Should we report if any of us starts suffering unknown ailments from these things?"

"Yes. If anyone starts to get sick or show symptoms of any sort, report back and vacate the site. Until then, continue working. You all ain't getting paid to stand around and sight see."

Without much to worry about for right now, the men and women staffed to operate the mining site resumed their shift, doing the best of their abilities to work around the mysterious crystals. So far the new nodes haven't impeded or blocked access to the normal nodes the mine was set up to extract and process.

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