Chapter 8: Negotiations & Demonstrations

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Presidential Office

"Mr. President, the delegates representing the Great Sorcerous Empire are now moving. They'll be in the office in about two minutes."

"Very good, then it is time we get everything figured out and settled once and for all." President JJ sat at his desk, making final adjustments to his suit to look presentable before foreign representatives of a foreign nation. Standing with him was Secretary Adler of the Office of Foreign Affairs to aid in establishing new relations with another power of this new world they find themselves in.

Hopefully with this meeting they could get a better understanding of this world, and find a reliable solution to their growing economic problem. Another solution just recently brought up was the planned industrialization of space, however they would have to send probes to every planet they planned to settle on to find suitable locations to build habitats and set up mining facilities to restore their resource income. A process which would take months or years to complete given the vast distance between planets. It would also help if they can piece together an acceptable trade deal that would save their tech and merchant industries.

"They're outside sir." One of the secret service agents standing by the doors announced.

"Let them in."

Opening the door, three members representing the Great Sorcerous Empire entered and approached the president and secretary who were waiting for them. Three chairs were provided on the opposite end of the desk, allowing the three members to have a seat while the discussions progressed.

As all participating figure took a seat, the discussions commenced.

"Welcome to the Autonomous State of Autonoma. I am President Joseph, or as you can me JJ for a matter of simplicity."

"Lady Isabell, representative and delegate for the Great Sorcerous Empire. Accompanying me is Lord Millan, and Sir Gilbert, serving as additional representatives for our country. It is a pleasure to speak with the ruler of this, fair seeming country, face to face."

"The pleasure is all mine Lady Isabell. I do hope your tour of the country has pleased you, we weren't exactly expecting any foreign visitors lately and planned what we could given the short time frame."

"It was very eventful, and quite the experience I might add. Your nation is unlike any I have had the privilege of visiting in my career. Perhaps we can learn quite a lot from one another."

"I agree Lady Isabell, however we have more important matters to discuss following the, recent event we've been experiencing. A lot of problems need fixing, and we're hoping that your cooperation will allow us to find a solution to our current issues."

"Understandable." Isabell responded as the two sides engaged in negotiations. "What is it that the nation of Autonoma is wishing to receive from the Empire?"

"Answers, general knowledge, and trade. Most importantly trade as we rely significantly on both exports and imports to sustain our economy. Further details will be provided in written papers of what we need, but overall we have an export focus on domestically produced technologies, and an import focus on rare minerals."

"Hmm, I am honestly interested in any possible investments in your technology," Lord Millan declared. "As would several other nobles, perhaps even his majesty as well. As for receiving minerals, you would have to turn towards the dwarves to the western continent. Our country receives imports of rare minerals from them."

"Dwarves? Is that who occupy the continent located across the ocean from our west coast?"

"I would believe so. Seeing as your entire civilization lacks any use of magic, I would predict you would have an easier time setting up relations since they too feature a lack of magic."

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