Chapter 9: Dwarven Alliance

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August 13th, 1701, 12;00

"Robotics? Are you telling me this nation discovered by that delegate party surpasses all our capabilities, solely through technology?"

"That is correct professor, and the Emperor, along with the Ministry of Military Affairs has expressed their concerns over these findings to pose a potential security risk to the Empire."

Professor Lloyd Saunders looked upon a set of reports, and hand drawn sketches sent by the military official who was part of the delegation group. Said reports and drawings had taken him aback. These machines were very similar to his Project GOLEM he had been working on for the past few years.

"And because of this, the chain of command has issued an increase of funding and resources into your projects, in an effort to develop an effective counter for these robotic machines should they be pointed against our people."

Professor Lloyd looked back up at the female director who was speaking to him. "Any and all resources?"

"Don't try to exploit us. You'll get what you need and nothing more." The director immediately responded.

"Very well, but one of such requests I may add may seem a bit, excessive without proper context." The professor led the director into his workshop and laboratory which was packed with experiments and projects of his. Along with his paid staff of janitors and mages who worked within the facility. "There is one specific unit which will require a unique object for it to have any function."

They arrived at the specific project in which the director was here about. Standing before them were several massive bipedal figures standing in various stages of completion. Many of the figures were incomplete, with exposed insides and missing their plate coverings. However only one of them was complete.

The Sorcerous Combat Golem was a massive behemoth, standing at 6 meters at natural stance and with a broad of 4.5 meters. The entire thing was covered in magic enhanced chromium steel armor, similar to that found on naval battleships. Built into the palms of both hands were weapons in which their mechanics were yet unknown. Placed upon it's chest, exposed through a set of open hatches as a glowing blue crystal which was the main source of power for this magical machine of war.

However this golem only paled in comparison to what had the director's attention now. Standing before her was something massive, that was incomplete yet took up a vast majority of the available space in the facility. Based on it's general shape and features, it looked to be a massive dragon made out of the same properties of the golem. However where the power crystal should be was an empty cradle.

"I request the need for a single tier seven crystal."
Dwarven Alliance

"What, our merchant fleets returning from the Empire have stumbled upon a new continent?"

"Yes sir, our ships have reported strange sightings of land between the ocean that splits us from the Empire. However it would appear the land is already occupied as their have been confirmed sightings of development, and our ships have been forced away by small craft."

That compromised already growing throughs of overseas colonization going on in the Prime Minister's mind.

The Dwarven Alliance was the largest known faction on the 25 million square kilometer continent of Caland, occupying over 10 million square kilometers of the land, while the rest was occupied by elves, two human factions, and a small isolated community of beast folk. Occupying most of the mountain ranges, the dwarves had access to an abundance of precious metals and rare minerals that gave them a huge bounty in the growing industrial and trade business. They were even declared as the most technologically advanced faction on the planet, given their distinct lack in the use of magic. However they were still under the shadow of the Empire when comparing their power projection and prowess. The Alliance was made up of three dwarven clans, each individually run by their own royal bloodlines. However an elected prime minister served as a representative for all three clans united.

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