Chapter 2: Encounters

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GSE 11th Battleship Squadron

The Great Sorcerous Empire, credited and recognized as the most powerful nation to ever lay it's foundations in world history. Seen as an unstoppable and unchallengeable titan, no nation ever dared to disrespect or get on their nerves, for fear of invoking the Empire's wrath upon them.

The nation was forged over a millennia ago, with many records indicating it's large amount of military victories and superiority in the mystical arcane arts of magic. No other nation, apart from the elves, relied and wielded magic on the same scale they did, allowing them to easily achieve superiority over every adversary and opponent they faced.

The Empire consisted of over 4.7 million square kilometers of land, part of a 7 million square kilometer continent with two large islands just 200 kilometers off it's western and southern coasts. It also expanded it's influence through colonialism and establishment of commonwealth nations under their reign. Several overseas colonies were also established on large island chains and small continents that were rich in raw materials the Empire sought to stake it's claim on. Even if that meant relocating the natives to get them.

Their military was also very powerful, with a strong emphasis on the use of magic tech to power their machines and weaponry.

Seven Warlock-class battleships, part of the Empire's 11th Battleship Squadron, we're out on patrol in international waters to investigate increased disturbances reported by passing military and commercial vessels. What they were looking for they did not know, but whatever it was the ships were armed and ready for almost anything thrown at them.

The Warlock-class battleship made up the majority of the Empire's power projection overseas, with around 59 fully armed and capable ships in service, with another 3 currently under development, and 20 more planned for the future. The ships were 245 meters in length, with an armor composition of 300mm of magic enhanced chromium steel armor which was favored for it's effectiveness against corrosion while at sea. Power came from four steam powered turbines using mana crystals as a stable and efficient heat source for boiling seawater brought in from the surrounding ocean, allowing the ship to reach a top speed of 25 knots. Armament consisted of nine 254mm mana powered guns housed in three rotating turrets, and twenty 127mm mana powered guns housed in ten ball rotating turrets. Crew count for maximum operation effectiveness required a total of around 800 personnel each.

Captain Lawrence, commanding officer of the SES Invincible, looked out from the viewports of the bridge at the formation of warships assigned to him. He felt a sense of pride and confidence in the power bestowed upon him. Should anyone attempt to challenge their formation, they would be fools. His ship was unique from the others as his guns were instead six 381mm mana powered guns instead of the traditional nine 254mm guns.

"Sir, we're closing in on the approximate location of where the disturbances have been reported." The ship's XO, Commander Simmons declared as he approached the captain's side. "So far we've encountered zero contacts, and the magic sensors are tracking nothing within our range."

"Keep vigilant." The captain responded. "We may not find nothing out here, this may have all just been a fluke. But if it's not and there's something out here, I want us to find it as soon as possible, before anything potentially finds us first."

The magic sensors used on the ship had a detection range of 20 kilometers, and were very effective in allowing the ship to track and identify surface and airborne threats from a distance. However the screens being used to display the readings from the sensors reported all clear, excluding their own ships.

However that did not last long as the screens immediately started tracking something that registered to be a ship—, three ships of immense size.

"Contacts on sensors! Tracking three possible surface contacts bearing 2-8-5, range...what the hell?" The magic sensors' officer declared in confusion and alarm. Whatever these things were they weren't just large. They were moving, and really moving faster than what any ship has any right for. "Uh...sir, you might wanna take at this!"

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