Chapter 5: Economic Crisis

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August 5th, 1701, 12:00

"So it's officially been confirmed," President JJ stated as he sat within his office with Vice President Lane standing across from him. "We're no longer on Alterra, and are now in the middle of some new planet."

"This is indeed an unexpected predicament none of us could've ever foreseen." Vice President Lane stated. "So far all of our owned states and provinces have been confirmed to be with us, and zero assets have gone missing during the transition. Even our people on the moon are still there."

"So not only was the entire continent relocated, but all of our shit was brought with us." The president sighed. "Still doesn't help with the growing headache about the oncoming political and economic backlash that's soon to come with our relocation."

The Autonomous State of Autonoma relied heavily on foreign trade and exports to boost it's economic dominance, trading out technology and advanced equipment to foreign states while being traded back raw materials that were vital to the country's continued development and exotic foods that the markets were always on high demand for. Now with it's foreign partners gone their stockpiles we're sure to take a hit and they would lose all profit from their technological exports.

By estimates, the economy was expected to reach a devastating 30% inflation that would negatively affect the stock market prices and raise costs for basic home necessities for the average citizen. If nothing was done to help cope with these issues there would be problems from the population getting restless. Their income of raw materials had also gone down by 40%, which would reduce their current production rate as materials started to become not as available as they originally were. Sure the country still had vast stockpiles of raw materials, but those would only last for so long and would eventually run dry as time went on.

"What measures do we have available that can help us minimize this cascade of economic collapse? Give me some answers."

"Well sir, there honestly isn't much we can do at this point." The vice president answered. "We weren't exactly prepared for a situation like this to occur. However we have come up with only temporary solutions that hopefully will hold until we find a more permanent solution to our economic problems. The first involves a series of rationing of all non-domestically produced goods, reduction in all base factory output to compromise with the loss of raw materials, and by sending stimulus checks to large overseas trading companies to ensure they remain in business until we find suitable trade partners."

"I guess those will have to do for now. Are there any possible long term solutions that could allow us to easily get back on track and avert our economic crisis from getting out of control?"

"There might be sir," The vice president answered quickly. "Three days ago we made contact with several members who were part of a faction native to this world, the so called Great Sorcerous Empire. It would appear they have yet to meet the same technical capacity as to what we're used to, but they are definitely capable of fielding traditional battleship sized vessels. If we were to perhaps begin diplomatic relations with them, we may have a chance to agree to a trade agreement and continue exporting our products. That should stabilize or at least minimize the effect on the economy until we're back up to full strength."

"As for our resource issues, there's been some thoughts on expanding our offshore mining operations, or switching Treasure Island's focus from gold to rare minerals."

Treasure Island was a rich location filled with veins and deposits of many rare minerals that the companies sought after to meet the everyday demands of their consumers. However these rare minerals were not the island's main focus as it was the source of one of the most precious metal to ever exist. Gold.

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