I slept with one thought in my mind.

I hope Edd and Matt are okay...

Edd's POV

I decided I would visit the coordinates I was messaged.

I know, it seemed a bit suspicious, but she said she had spoken to Tom.

When London was bombed, people evacuated.

But Scotland wasn't bombed.

And there still were people in Scotland, but Red Soldiers were all over the place, making sure no rules were broken.

What do I mean by rules?

Well, Red Soldiers instructed rules.

But the most prominent rule is the curfew.

You weren't allowed to leave your house after 11:00 unless it was for work.

Places like Casinos and any type of Donation Centers have been closed for whatever reason.

And you weren't allowed to leave Scottland until further notice.

So I was going to go find this place the lady called 'Utopia' before curfew.

I told Matt that I was going to leave at 8:00.

I told him where I was going to go just in case I didn't come back.

He was quite interested in this place, I don't know why.

But now, it was 7:46.

Just 14 minutes until I leave.

It was really cold today so I grabbed my brown coat.

As I was putting on my shoes Matt walked in with a very sad look.

The same look he's been having for the past 2 days.

"You okay?" I asked Matt.

He shook his head and looked down.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah," He replied.

"Okay... Did you need something?" I asked.

"You're leaving soon?" Matt asked quietly, almost sadly.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"No reason..." Matt said before turning his head back to this news.

Something about the whole Purple Army's liberation of the Red Army's execution camp fascinated him.

I don't why.

Right as I put my hand on the doorknob Matt came up to me.

"Be careful Edd... Be back before curfew, please?" Matt asked.

"I will, I promise," I said.

He then kissed me on the cheek.


Before I knew it, he escorted me out of the room while I was baffled, puzzled.

Why'd he done that?

I'll talk to him once I get back, until then, find Utopia.

I headed down the long hallway of hotel rooms and into the elevator.

I pressed the button that would bring me to the bottom floor.

I was lucky to find out that the coordinates that led to Utopia were in Scottland.

It was a long way and I didn't have my car.

So I decided to take the bus.

The early morning was always great, especially when it had snowed the night previous.

The bus came and I boarded.

The bus was like any other normal bus but with new rules and such, two Red soldiers were assigned to guard the bus.

I sat near the two Red soldiers to eavesdrop.

"Hey, Pat, when do you think we can finally leave this stupid bus?" One of the Red Soldiers asked the other one.

"Pau, for the last time, I don't know," The other Soldier responded.

They didn't talk much for the rest of the ride but at least I knew their names.

A while later...

This was my stop, I left the bus with a couple of other people and proceeded to find Utopia.

Hey, INSANELYGASMASKED here, just wanted to ask if you boil your bagels.
Also, I finished the main plotline of this story so I'll just tell you to know, there are four acts to this story.

We've just gotten finished with the first act during The London Zombie Lady.

And sorry for posting this today, I was supposed to finish this chapter yesterday but ended up watching Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile.

But that's all.

Talk to you later!

Tom and Tord didn't make out in this chapter 😐

But they will soon. And maybe a bit more if you know what I mean 😏


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