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Monday, November 7, 2028.

Carlasco = Around 08.30 P.M

Greece = Around 05.30 A.M (November 8, 2022)

Orkney Island = Around 03.30 A.M (November 8, 2022)

Around half an hour were spent searching the toy door, yet strangely the result was nothing. As the news about William's warehouse blow had come online, it was just a matter of time before the law enforcement and press showed up at the front door. Athena, who like the others had been slightly recovered by Apollo, gathered everyone. "We should just leave before everyone comes and gets us all."

"I agree," Heracles said, simultaneously carrying Lethe who was still unconscious, even though Apollo had also slightly cured her.

"You all go first," Hephaestus said. "I'm going to keep William's machine first."

"You ... ," William paused momentarily. "Want to keep my machine?"

"First, I don't want this machine to fall into the wrong hands. Secondly, I want to study how it works."

"But ... what do you mean by 'keep'?"

"I'll manipulate the size and shape and keep it in my satchel," Hephaestus said. He then promptly left, going straight to the area where Medusa and Lethe were previously held captive. Soon afterwards, he exited the room and walked back to the group. "This is your machine now," he said to William as he opened his palm, revealing a metal box similar to a rubix cube.

"This is ... my machine?"

"Correct," Hephaestus said. "Like I told you earlier, I've manipulated the size and shape."

All of a sudden, the sounds of footsteps approaching were heard; they all came from the hole on the ceiling. Dylan felt a punch on his heart. However, realizing it was impossible to run away, he could only glue his eyes on the door with a thumping heart.

"Everyone, hide your weapons and shields," Athena whispered. "And we also have to change our armor to a more common shirt."

"Making ourselves human to avoid humans," Artemis said. "It's really pathetic."

"Sister, just do it!"

"No other choice but to," Artemis said, simultaneously her bows and daggers dematerialized, and her armor and peplos turned into a casual adult women outfit. The others also followed right after she changed.

Mere moments later, the door was slammed open, and a group of eight police stormed in. "Get your hands in the air!" they immediately yelled as they aimed their gun at everyone.

Athena, Dylan, Nike, Hephaestus, and William promptly raised their hands, followed by Heracles who laid Lethe on the ground first. Apollo, Hera, and Medusa glanced to the left and right, before they did the same. Artemis was the last, and she grunted as she did it.

"Mr. William Phillips?" one officer moved towards William.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm conducting a trial and error on my secret personal project," William said with confidence. "These young men and women are the volunteers that I recruited.".

"A secret personal project? What is it precisely?"

"The word 'secret' is meant for keeping it secret."

"A secret personal project that made holes in your own building," another officer said. "Sounds to be dangerous. Has it been formally registered?"

"Mmm ... ," William mumbled. "No."

"Then you have to come with us to explain everything," the first officer said as he approached the group.

"Wait!" William raised his hand and opened his palm. "I have to call my lawyer now. I'll tell him to wait at your precinct."

"Bander Street 15," the officer said, telling William the precinct location. "Do it now."

"What happened to her?" The first officer pointed at Lethe while William was contacting his lawyer.

"She passed out," William said. "I'll have her treated by my personal doctor."

"She will have to come to the precinct too after she wakes up," the first officer said.

"My lawyer will take care of that."

After William contacted his lawyer, the police handcuffed everyone, except for Heracles who was told to carry Lethe. Arriving at the warehouse courtyard, as Dylan had predicted, the building had been surrounded by a lot of curious people, including some photographers. He bowed down his head, avoiding all the cameras directed at him. Right after he and Athena were escorted into the same car, he thought they would immediately leave. However, instead of entering the car too, the officers went to manage the crowd. It made Dylan feel even more inconvenienced, as everyone glued their eyes on him, while at the same time did not stop talking or directing their phones at him. He dropped his head again.

Would people talk behind him whenever they crossed paths with him?

Would it affect the Konishi Convenience Store?

Would people end up hating him for his past mistakes?

"I know you're inconvenient with this exposure," Athena suddenly said, ruining Dylan's thought. "But I'm proud that you're willing to take the risk."

Dylan looked to Athena, but said nothing.

"Look around you," Athena said. "A few minutes ago, they were on the brink of spending their life in eternal misery. But thanks to your bravery, they're all now safe."

Dylan shifted his attention to the outside. Nevertheless, as people were still staring at him, he lowered his head again.

"I will never force you to get over your past trauma, Dylan," Athena said. "Either someday you will forget it or it stays with you, I will always consider you a hero. If only the modern times worked the same as the ancient time, I will formally and legally present to you the title heroes in front of the kings."

"In the past gods did that?"

"Yes," Athena nodded. "This way the heroes would be respected by the kings. Even if the kings refused to respect him, at the very least they will have to acknowledge it."

"I see."

Athena leaned against the backrest. "I'm still tired. I'm going to rest for a little while now," she continued as she shut her eyes.

Mere moments later, the officers entered the car and began to drive. A few minutes after they left the warehouse and residential area, Dylan shifted his attention to the outside again. As he was observing the passing cars, the flashback of him being judged, hated and bullied for his mistakes resurfaced. Deep inside his heart, he wished these unpleasant moments would not be repeated. However, he was aware that he had to prepare for the worst. Exhaling a deep breath, he started convincing himself that if everyone, including those whom he knew well, started seeing or treating him differently after knowing his past, he would be able to endure everything. 

Dylan King and His New Roommate Called Goddess Athena [1st Book]Where stories live. Discover now