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Monday, October 24, 2028, around 11.30 A.M

The next day past mid-day, Hera finally woke up. Athena hovered over her face, but she quickly recoiled when Hera attempted to get up. Observing her surroundings, Hera asked, "Where are we, Athena?"

"We are in Dylan's room."

"Dylan's room?" Hera responded. "Who is this ... ," she paused. "Wait ... am I ... speaking a foreign language?"

"You are speaking the language English."

"What's ... English?" Hera raised her eyebrows.

"It's the language spoken in this region," Athena said. "Before I start explaining more, what's the last thing you remember?"

Hera looked away from Athena; frown lines showing up on her forehead. "I saw ... a lightning spark not far from me. It was similar to the portal that took us by force. I thought it was an exit, so I approached it. At the same time, Lethe was approaching it too."

"Lethe you say??"

"Yes. We both touched the spark, and suddenly we were already somewhere else."

"After you get out, do you remember walking with Lethe?"

"She ignored me," Hera turned displeased. "I grabbed her ankle, but she tossed away my arm. While I'm in pain, she touched my forehead."

"That explains why you had the sphere of Lethe inside your head," Athena said. She then opened her palm, the bracelet of the Olympian materialized above it. "It also explained why this bracelet was not with its owner."

"My bracelet!" Hera said; she immediately snatched the bracelet. "How did it end up with you?"

"That's another story for later," Athena said, unsure whether Hera would be pleased if it was temporarily kept by Medusa. "So right now, Lethe's location is unknown. But since we haven't heard any unnatural phenomenon from the news, she has probably adjusted herself to this life."

"Before you start worrying about her, you have to explain why I am suddenly able to speak this 'English' language?" Hera demanded. "And why is this place nothing like any places I've witnessed?"

"This place is completely strange because 1400 years have passed since we're dumped into Kolaseos."

"We spent that many years inside this cursed realm?! Hera responded with her eyes flew wide.

"It's hard to believe, but sadly it's the truth. About how you can fluently speak English, and how the sphere of Lethe could be extracted, it was thanks to Voulos."

"Who's Voulos?"

"Hephaestus' mini automaton."

"Hephaestus has gone out too?" Hera responded incredulously. "How about Zeus? Or the others?"

"As far as I know, the only Olympian who have gone out were us, Hephaestus, and Lethe."

"I see," Hera said, she now looked a little bit disappointed.

"About Dylan, he is a mortal who lent us this room. You actually have known him for quite some time."

"I've known him?" Hera incredulously responded. "Since when – " she left her words hanging. "Ah, I must have known him when I still had Lethe's sphere inside."


Hera sighed a deep breath. She then looked around her. "You really have to teach me all these strange things."

"I will," Athena said. "Whenever you're ready, I'll start the lessons."

"Let's just start now," Hera said as she exited the bed.

"Okay. We shall begin with the basic, yet one of the most important things in life."

"What is it?"

"Personal Computer."

Dylan King and His New Roommate Called Goddess Athena [1st Book]Where stories live. Discover now