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Friday, October 20, 2028, around 08.30 A.M

The next Friday, as Dylan had promised, he accompanied Athena on her mission to look for her lost family member. The days before they had already conducted online searches, intending to look for any unexplainable occurrences, such as lightning or water behaving strangely, or some sightings of super strength, speed or endurance. Athena believed that once this missing god or goddess learned that the world had changed drastically, they would react aggressively, similar to what she did to Dylan in the first few days. He did not wish to offend her by any means, hence he just helped the online search without asking too much. Eventually, they ended up with nothing, leaving them with blind search as their only option in their hand.

They commenced the search from the area near Tommy's Garage. Because Athena could not realistically draw the faces of everyone in The Twelve Olympian, the only thing they could do was only ask whether someone ever saw an unfamiliar man or woman, dressed in a strange ancient outfit, walked aimlessly, and spoke foreign language. Unfortunately, every place they visited always gave the answer 'no'. Even when they had expanded the search territory, the answers they got would still be the same. By the time the clock had struck 4 in the evening, they still did not find the missing member, or even a clue worth investigating.

"I think we should take a break," Athena suddenly said after Dylan asked someone in the fruit store. "I can see you're clearly exhausted."

"No ... no ... it's okay, I can still do it."

"No, Dylan, you are clearly exhausted. I could see it from how you breathe. Furthermore, today is supposedly your day off. You must take a break now."

"O ...kay," Dylan decided to obey. "Then ..." he paused as he looked at his surroundings. "How about we rest at the park there?" he continued as he pointed at the park across the road.

"Seems to be a nice place."

"Yes," Dylan nodded. "Let's go there."

Entering the park, the moment Dylan noticed an empty bench, he chose to sit there. Stretching up both of his arms, he took and released a deep breath. He then leaned against the backrest and stared at the sky, when Athena said, "It surely is difficult with just the two of us."

"It is difficult. But I think as long as your family did not somehow move to another town, the difficulty is not beyond our expectation."

"I believe the possibility that they somehow moved to a town outside Carlasco is small. However, it doesn't change the fact that Carlasco is quite big. From its map, we barely covered a quarter of its area."

"Yes, I agree with that. That's why I think the search might take four to five days, before we can reach another new conclusion."

"I will never stop searching," Athena said. "But you don't have to worry about accompanying me. I believe I can already search without burdening you anymore."

"Hmm ... are you sure?"

"I am fully sure."

"In that case, I'll teach you how to use the map on the phone."

"No need, I will just read the paper map."

"The library has paper maps. I will give it to you after we get back home."

"I appreciate it," Athena said as a thin smile spread on her face. She then shifted her focus to the big tree across them. "The relationship between me and the other Twelve Olympian is actually not harmonious –" she paused. "Well, actually, most of the members usually had at least fifty conflicts with another member. I am telling you this because I don't wish you to think that I'm the only mean goddess in the council."

Dylan King and His New Roommate Called Goddess Athena [1st Book]Where stories live. Discover now