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Sunday, November 6, 2028.

Carlasco = Around 07.00 A.M - 08 A.M

Greece = Around 04.00 - 05.00 P.M

After cleaning up the mess in the library, everyone but Hera and Nemesis gathered at Dylan's apartment. Opening an online source about Trow of The Orkney Islands, it was said that the creatures were fond of music and songs, they regularly kidnapped people who had the talent in it. As Apollo himself was the god of music and he was playing Lyre before the Trow showed up, everyone did not question the motive behind the abduction.

"It's also said that at one time, the old local people began to leave the islands, when they discovered their children had musical or singing talents," Heracles said. "As time passed, the existence of Trow became a folktale, and people no longer migrated just because their children had these talents."

"It's obvious they were all dumped into Kolaseos too," Athena said. "The talented leaving would eventually stop the abduction, and in the end the rest of the people would stop believing in their existence."

"That's a plausible explanation," Nike said.

"Now they're resuming the abduction," Heracles said. "And since their hunting ground has also expanded to this city, we should anticipate that there will be more people already kidnapped by them."

"If there are possibly more victims, then we should make them forget everything," Nike said. "Not only to make them forget the traumatic experiences, but also to avoid them recognizing or remembering us."

"Once we saved humans to be recognized and worshiped, now we have to hide our identity," Artemis said. "The present world is surely terrible."

"Well ... can't do anything about it," Nike shrugged. "We just have to accept it."

"It's saddening that we couldn't receive the same glory as we did in the past," Athena said. "But since the psychology of the present human is most likely not as strong as the past humans, I agree we have to make them forget everything," she continued as she opened her palm, the sphere of Lethe then materialized above it.

"You can make the victims forget everything with this," Heracles said. "But you can't make the world forget that this kidnapping ever happened."

"At least the victims won't be traumatized anymore, plus they won't be able to explain who is their savior," Nike said. "Furthermore, there have been so many bizarre cases in the whole world. In the end, everyone would simply regard the kidnapping case as one of them."

"There's still one problem ... ," Heracles said. "Last time when we dealt with the drunks, we only needed a tiny piece to make them forget. This time, we don't know how long the victims have been kidnapped. If we peel a tiny piece, they might still remember a little thing or two about the kidnapping. But if we peel the piece bigger, they might forget something important from their life."

"I guess that's the consequence to be taken," Athena said. "It's better to forget something in their life, rather than being traumatized until they die."

Heracles nodded a few times. "Well ... I'm actually neutral in this matter," he said. "If that's the unavoidable consequence, then like it or not we should keep going with the plan."

"Okay then," Athena said. "Since the required pieces will be bigger than last time, plus Voulos hasn't returned yet, I'll peel the sphere myself."

"And I'll input the coordinates to Mountain Ward Hill," Hephaestus said as he walked to the door.

Before long, Athena finished collecting thirty pieces. Hephaestus had also done configuring the coordinates. Before he pressed the button to open the path, Athena said, "We've seen what the Trows could do to Apollo. When we've found the entrance to their lair, we have to make our exposed skin as minimal as possible."

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