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Friday, November 4, 2028.

Carlasco = Around 01.00 P.M

Greece = Around 10.00 P.M

"Hey, Dylan," Apollo called forward.

"Ah ...," Dylan shifted his attention to Apollo. "What can I do for you, god Apollo?"

"Just address me by 'Apollo', like how you addressed the others here," Apollo said. "But I still don't know whether my sister is okay with the same treatment. So unless she says it by herself, please keep addressing her as goddess Artemis."

"I'll keep that in mind," Dylan nodded. "Anyway, what can I do for you, go ... I mean ... Apollo?"

"Can you show me the music of the modern world?" Apollo asked. "I've been dying to hear about it."

"Apollo," Athena called. "We're not in the situation to enjoy music. We have to always keep our focus on the battle ahead."

"I know, sister," Apollo said as he nodded and smiled. "But like you said earlier, we can't do anything before Voulos returns with more information. Besides, I believe after hearing good music in this modern world, I'll be able to focus more on the battle."

Athena sighed in frustration. "Suit yourself then."

Apollo nodded. "Thank you, Athena," he said. "So, Dylan, how about introducing me to modern music?"

"I'll be glad too. Let's go back to my room now."


Apollo's jaw dropped upon realizing millions of songs and music uploaded on Youtube and Spotify. He was also mesmerized by the various music videos deriving from many countries. After the god finally could use the two applications smoothly, Dylan decided to let him enjoy the songs and music on his own.

The next day after Dylan returned from work and finished his cleaning duty, Apollo had already listened to two hundred collections, consisting of various genres. Dylan could know it by simply checking the history from his Spotify and Youtube account. He also noticed that Apollo had also Googled a lot of things related to music or songs. Seeing his own last search on Google now required more than ten scrolls to be spotted, Dylan only scoffed.

Entering his apartment, Dylan was welcomed by Athena and Nike, who at that time were enjoying a large plate of sushi. Apollo himself was still listening to a song; he never stopped nodding as he followed the song rhythm. Immediately Dylan sat across Athena and Nike, but he directed his attention to the sushi plate. Upon noticing it was the premium sushi sold in Carlasco, he asked, "What's the occasion?"

"Occasion?" Nike asked.

"This sushi is a premium one. It was so delicious and expensive. I only tried it when Mr. Konishi ordered it for his birthday last year."

"Ah I see," Nike said. "Well ... I just ordered it because I simply wanted to try it."

"I can have some, can't I?"

"Of course. I bought a large plate for all of us. Too bad Apollo chose to listen to these modern songs, rather than trying this sushi."

"So he hasn't eaten anything since morning?"

"He just ate sandwiches with Ambrosia," Nike said. "To him, songs are much more interesting than dishes."

"As expected from the god of music," Dylan chuckled, at the same time he grabbed one Maguro sushi.

"Anyway, I'm wondering whether Voulos has returned," Nike said, making Dylan stop chewing momentarily.

"Hephaestus hasn't informed us, so most likely the automaton hasn't returned."

Dylan King and His New Roommate Called Goddess Athena [1st Book]Where stories live. Discover now