Everyone agreed with Athena. Hephaestus then pressed the button, instantly the view on the other side changed into the view of a large rock hill. Crossing over, they were fortunate that there was not a single human in sight. Hephaestus then manipulated the door into a little box he could easily slip into his pocket, while Artemis knelt on one knee and touched the ground. A little while later, she said, "The footprints have been revealed."

There was no one else who could see the footprints Artemis just mentioned. It was her very own unique gift, similar to how Zeus harnessed and controlled lightning. Artemis then started walking, with everyone following her from behind. After walking on the side of the hill for quite some time, she finally stopped. Turning around, she said, "There were strange footprints leading to this spot."

"Probably they belonged to any climbers?" Heracles asked. "Maybe they started climbing here?"

"There were no footprints on the wall," Artemis said. "So unless there were humans who just stood without doing anything, I believed this was the entrance to the Trow's lair."

"I agree with Artemis," Athena said. "Like we've seen, the Trows can open a path to anywhere. It's more than possible that they also have made a hidden entrance here."

"The thing is ... ," Heracles said. "How can we enter into it?"

"Maybe we can just break the rocks?" Hephaestus asked. "I've got the proper tools in my workstation."

"Why don't we try luring them out with music or songs?" Athena suggested.

"That's a good idea," Nike said. She then took out her phone, activated some random songs, and placed the phone on the wall protrusion.

As expected, a little while later, the wall turned wavy. A Trow then came out, and Heracles promptly punched it from the right side, wrecking the creature's jaw instantly. Worried that the entrance might close in no time, Athena said, "Let's change now."

Athena's clothes transformed into her peplos, breastplate and war helmet, followed by the materialization of metal lower arms and lower knee protector, plus brown leathered material underneath everything, covering most of the still-exposed skin. She then summoned out her sword and shield, simultaneously Artemis also changed her clothes into the armor and protector similar to Athena. Nike, Hephaestus and Heracles followed the same steps after Artemis was done. The only difference was Heracles also summoned out his Nemean Lion skin, which he immediately put on the lion head as his head protector. Done with the preparation, right after the Trow corpse was manipulated into a rock, everyone entered the hill.

Piano playing was what they instantly heard when they had just stepped into the tunnel at the other side. The tunnel was short; Heracles and Hephaestus had to duck down when they were walking. When they finally exited it, they arrived at an area where various musical instruments were collected. Eight humans, guarded by four Trows, standing not far from the instruments. Athena whispered to Nike and Artemis, asking them to shoot the creatures. They quickly shot the Trows at the back, and the piercing and bodies thud sound instantly attracted the humans and the other two Trows at the front. But before they could do anything, Nike and Artemis already shot them to death.

Athena walked to the humans, who were stunned with what just happened. "We're going to save you. Are there more of you?"

Three of them nodded.

"Where are they?" Athena asked.

One of them pointed at the opening at their right.

"Okay," Athena said. "How many of these creatures do you know?"

"Fifty or sixty," a man said.

"I never think there are lots of them," Heracles said. Immediately, everyone's attention was directed to him, specifically to the Nemean Lion costume he was wearing.

Dylan King and His New Roommate Called Goddess Athena [1st Book]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin