"Thessaloniki?" Dylan responded. "Do you mean the city there is Thessaloniki, Goddess Hera?"

"Yes," Hera nodded. "I remember when the mortal king Cassander first built it. Back then whenever I was standing here and watched the city from afar, I always wondered when the city would finally fall. Not because I hoped for it, but because it was a common occurrence to see a big city finally fall."

"A big city that fell?" Dylan responded. "Sounds like the story of Troy."

"Ah ... Troy," Hera responded. "Paris was really a prince blessed with nothing but stupidity. If only he did not persuade Helen to come with him, the city would surely last even much longer."

"So the story was true?"

"Of course," Hera said as she shifted her attention to Dylan.

Dylan shook his head. "Wow ... you really have witnessed a lot of things, goddess Hera."

"All gods and goddesses did, Dylan," Hera said. "Oh, by the way, from now on, please address me by my name only."

"Mmm ... Are you ... sure?"

"I am," Hera nodded. "I have decided to be like Hephaestus and Athena. I want to adjust myself to the current world now."

Dylan nodded. "Okay then ... god.. , I mean ... Hera."

"Good," Hera smiled. "Anyway, you were extending your arm over the handrail when I came here. What were you doing?"

"Ah ... ," Dylan responded. "I was just surprised when I laid my eyes on Thessaloniki. I knew for sure it was not part of Realm Olympus. I am wondering whether right before me is some sort of invisible wall or portal that separates the realm and my world."

"There is some sort of invisible wall in front of us. We can see the city from here, but the city will only see our place as mountains."

"Realm Olympus is really a different realm. It's surely unbelievable."

"Every invited human always spoke the same thing," Hera chuckled. "Anyway, the politically correct term for this different realm is The Inner Realm."

"The Inner Realm?" Dylan responded confusedly.

"There is an Inner Realm and an Outer Realm. An Outer Realm is just like another planet like Earth, while an Inner realm is a world within Earth."

"I'm ... not sure I get it."

"You have a room in the library. Your room is like The Inner Realm, while the library is like Earth."

"Ah, now I've started to understand it," Dylan said. "So, referring to your example, the library can also be considered as The Outer Realm. Am I right?"

"Yes, you're right," Hera said. "We gods do not have the power to create The Outer Realm. We can actually try it, but it will most likely cost our life. Therefore we decided to just create The Inner Realm."

"If I'm going to refer to the library example again, then because I don't have enough money to build an independent house, then I decided to just make a simple house inside the library," Dylan said. "I am correct again, right?"

"You really are a smart one, Dylan," Hera said with a smile.

"I honestly still need to learn more about these whole new things."

"We're in the same position then. I also still need to learn more about this modern world."

Dylan chuckled, but said nothing.

"Well then ... I'll excuse myself now. Still have to prepare two more dishes."

"Is there anything I can help?" Dylan offered. "I know all this time I only heat microwave food or make simple pasta, omelet, or fried rice. But probably there's still something I can help you with."

Dylan King and His New Roommate Called Goddess Athena [1st Book]Where stories live. Discover now