"Chace want's Monique at the fundraiser but he doesn't want her riding in the car with him and Rylie. He wants to avoid her upsetting Rylie while she's pregnant as much as possible." He informs his dad.

Margo has also jumped up from her seat walking fast on Monique's tail. She doesn't want her and Jayson to have any unnecessary conversations between them. She feels Monique only needs to talk with Jayson about things that concern Randi.

Margo catches a look at Monique's pale face and her slight stumble when she overhears Jayson say to his father that Rylie is pregnant. Monique turns around glaring at Margo then rushes past Jayson and his father in the middle of the foyer on her way to the hallway bathroom.

"Oh shit.....Margo did she hear me say Ry was pregnant." Jayson gazes at his wife. A cross between frustration and fear.

"Yeah....she looked like she was in shock I thought since you just told me about it, everybody else already knew." Margo casually says.

"It's not your fault Jayson. They didn't intend to tell any of us about it until Rylie has seen a doctor to confirm it. We all pushed them and Chace.....well Chace is happier than I've ever seen him. I don't think he could hold it in much longer anyway." Richard tries to comfort him.

"I know that dad, but she's hurt, Rylie and Chace aren't going to forgive me for this, they're going to think I didn't it on purpose if she acts out."

"You and Margo go on out to the car. I'll bring her out with me when she comes out." Richard Braxton tells his youngest son and daughter-in-law.

It's another ten minutes before Monique comes out of the bathroom. She's obviously pulled herself together but Richard can still tell that she's been crying.

"Where is your coward son and his wife? Did they leave you to deal with me? You think I'm going to scream and yell because my sister is following behind me having a baby. Randi has already been given you're wife's name so it doesn't matter." Monique sniffles.

"Your sister doesn't strike me as the type to try to imitate you on anything. Regardless of the name she and my son give their child, it will know how much it is loved in this family. The question you need to ask yourself is how much damage have you done to your relationship with your sister because she didn't tell you about her pregnancy. If you don't care about it then keep acting like this and push her completely out of your life. My son loves her and I guarantee that he will not allow anything or anyone toxic around her while she is pregnant including you." Richard firmly comments.

Monique shifts standing on one leg to the other looking uncomfortable. "Shall we go.....or do you want to stay here tonight?" He waits for her answer. Monique walks ahead of him out the door sucking in her lips the taste in her mouth seeming bitter.

The Ritz Carlton Hotel in Pentagon City is abuzz with the elite and political of the Northern Virginia, Washington DC area. The security is tight around the hotel because of so many prominent people present. Regular hotel guests are being redirected to other parts of the hotel if they attempt to go down the corridor where the banquet hall is for the fundraiser. After making it through the checkpoints, Richard Braxton is stopped by an old friend to talk, he introduces his youngest son and his wife Margo. Monique is introduced as a family friend. She doesn't like that title, she has a child with Jayson she prefers something else she doesn't know how she should be described but it makes her feel like she doesn't belong, it certainly sends the message to her that Rylie is welcome into this family but she isn't. Jayson practically ignores her kissing his wife on the lips as she tells him she's going to the restroom while he rushes to the banquet hall that's holding the fundraiser. Leland and Sander are on their way out.

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