Chapter 16: Enough is Enough

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"I think it's best that we leave Aria to get dressed and meet us downstairs. We have much to discuss," Mark emphasized, waving his hands as he strolled out the door, expecting Caiden to follow. He reached to close the door but stopped midway. His intense gaze fixed directly on me, a silent challenge sparking between us, and a thrilling promise of something more. A low, electrifying hum began deep in my stomach, radiating outwards my heart. My breath hitched, caught in the charged atmosphere, and as he finally closed the door, leaving me to my senses.

 As I rummaged through my closet, I couldn't help but think about Caiden and the connection we shared. My thoughts were a whirlwind of emotions, but I knew I had to keep them in check for now.

Paired with the black top, I wore dark, slim-fit pants that allowed for ease of movement while maintaining a stylish and functional appearance. I descended the stairs to find the living room in pristine condition. Mark was busy at work, using his magical abilities to restore the room to its previous state. A sense of appreciation welled up in me for his efforts. Even though I didn't fully understand the supernatural world yet, Mark's actions showed that there were good people within it.

When the room was back to normal, I entered and witnessed Caiden  seated on one of the couches, looking as handsome as ever, and Dane, well, he was Dane, slouched in a chair with an air of nonchalance.

Mark, his gaze softening as it met mine, gestured for me to join them. "Aria, come, we have much to discuss."

I took a deep breath and settled into the nearest seat. It was time to face this new reality. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. My own personal vendetta had to take a backseat while I we come up with a plan to deal with my unwanted inhabitant.

Mark's dark eyes passed over me and ushered me to sit. "Dane and I have taken the time to come up with a plan. I did not expect for these events to occur, for I had hoped that you would some resemble of a normal human life, of course one with a agenda." He sighs and continues, "Since this is not the case, so steps must be taken. Aria, it is a custom that once a child peaks, they would be shipped to an academia. One that not only teaches human lessons but also one that prepares and teaches students young and old essentials to master their fullest potentials depending on what race you are and what level of power you possess."

"So you want me to attend school." I said in disbelief. 

"Aria, it's essential that you attend this school. It's not just any school; it's an elite institution that can help you understand and control your powers. You're no longer just a regular human, and we need to ensure you're well-prepared to navigate the supernatural world and have control over your demon. This is your best chance to master your abilities and protect yourself." 

Mark eased himself back into my couch. The metallic color of his rings shined brightly against the natural light, catching my curiosity. Mark brought his hands forward to display his rings. "Now is a good enough time to teach you a thing or two. You see these rings?" I stood still in my seat and didn't move. "Every mage and witches have them. The rings can have multiple usages, for example, there are different enchantments. Enchantments can be both good or bad."

"You mean like giving someone good luck?"

"Exactly, this is a form of a good enchantment. A form of bad enchantments would be curses like giving someone bad luck." Mark twists his left ring finger to show symbolic carvings etched into the smooth metallic surface. "Rings and other jewelry require carving incantations so the enchantments can work indefinitely."

Dane yawns in response to the lecture and interjected, "honey, the school is called Ellington Trinity Academy and you're leaving today. So pack up." He spoke these words so fast that I barely caught on to what he said. Both Caiden and Mark shot glares.

The Demon Inside MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon