Chapter 2: Cult Napped

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Darkness is a space many people are familiar with. It is a bubble that coats the fabric of our human essence. An eternal space that snuffs pain, sadness, and depression. To not feel anything is a privilege. A privilege I wish I had now. "Ugh." My hand immediately found the sore spot on my neck. My body felt like I was dragged for miles by a pack of wild elephants. Despite all that, nothing annoyed me more than feeling the sun's rays directed into my face. Little red dots danced across my vision as I tried to readjust my eyes to the light.

To my confusion, I could not recall what I did the night before. The stiffness in my neck cried once again to remind me of the pain. "Ugh, seriously?" I massaged the sore spot again. Glancing around, it appeared I was in a cabin. Wooden panels lined the floors and walls with little to no decoration. Fear gripped my body began as it began to rise in temperature, but the mind was alert.

"You are finally awake." A voice came from the other end of the wooden door. I peered at the door, watching the knob shake and turn. Body frozen in place.

An elderly-looking man peered through. His eyes winkled as his lips parted in a big smile. Glancing down, he was wearing a black zipped-up sweater with black work pants. He looked comfortable yet professional. "I see my niece inherited her eyes from my dear younger sister." A brief flash of sadness kept in his face as confusion crossed mine.

The man stared blankly at me. "It seems you have your father's brain as well."

My brows creased, "Did you just call me stupid?" I should not be offended since this is all he is doing. I would take name-calling over someone who is in a stabby mood. Furthermore, I should probably keep my mouth shut and find out what this man really wanted.

A sigh came from the man. "I know this is not easy. It's not easy for me, too. It has taken our trackers a long time to find you."

"Your trackers? And you're implying that you are my uncle. Come on." What kind of family would kidnap another family member? Was this some sick joke? I had to push my thoughts aside and focus on what was important. There was a reason as to why I was here, alive and unharmed. Barley was unharmed. I touched the back of my head where I felt a light bump. I let out a low growl. "Let me guess why I am here. You are looking for better trackers. Someone with my skills to help you with something. Or maybe someone?" Probably someone stole something like a rouge accountant. "I sure as shit don't work for free and considering how you acquired me, you will pay extra." I sat on the bed, hands crossed. "I assume you tried to go through other hackers?" I looked at the man. He was physically fit for someone his age. Tall, built with power. Probably a mafia leader?

The old man just stared at me with confusion. His eyebrows wrinkled together, "Our family originates from the Cantata Peaks. That is where our tribe comes from. The pack will be happy to know we found one of our lost members. It is the same pack your mother belonged to before she met your father. This pack is your home should you choose to remain."

"You are not making any sense! I don't have family, and lastly, I never came across a name like yours in my line of work." The man stepped closer with a look of desperation. "Listen to me, Ariana. I was supposed to find you a long time ago and explain to you our history and culture." The man sat next to me. His eyes looked pleadingly. "Your mother and father should have never hidden your history away." He looks down. "You are an adult now. A female wolf descendent of our rare bloodline. Many packs will try every means to get a hold of a female with wolf blood, no matter how recessive her traits are. Much of this world has changed. The alpha called a meeting to appoint guards..." A wide smile crossed his face, "and perhaps the moon goddess will bless you this evening with a mating call."

I just stared at the man with a dumbfounded expression. Is he mad? Nothing he said made any sense. "Wolves blood, mating call? How do you reason with someone who has reached this kind of psychosis?

"If you don't believe me, look outside." My head jerked towards the window. Outside the window were a few white clouds. Mountains on the rise with many trees and wild bushes encapsulating the building. I was in a large structure. Not a cabin. This room was a facade. A fake room was created to confuse the captured. Anger boiled. I was about to say something when large dogs came rushing out of the bushes. Yelping and running in some sort of game with each other. A dozen more came out. Among them, naked females and males rushed out in unison. Howling with laughter. Things just got a little more insane here.

Moments later, masculine laughter echoed in my room.

I turned around and met Brent's oceanic blue eyes. "You! You took me?" Feeling my angry triple, "you kidnapped me!?" I saw a glimpse of guilt but was quickly masked away with his smile.

"Sorry," he responded. "But the Alpha ordered to bring you in." My eyes must have shaken some sense to him as he fumbled back, hands up in surrender. "I was nice enough to let you finish your project in that isolated lab of yours." He shrugged and smirked mockingly. "By the way, that was really nice of you to make it easy on me." That was the last straw, I snapped and swung my fist into his face, missing the target. Strong arms encased me and pinned my body in place. My face was tucked against his shoulder. "My friends will be looking for me." My words came out muffled as I tried to wiggle out of his hold.

"Brent, go easy with my niece. It seems she is not aware of our kind yet."

"Sir, seriously?" Brent swapped our places to look at the man. I now faced the window, and staring out, I saw large groups of males gathering from the forest. Some were fighting. Lashing out in bloody ferocity. "Why are they fighting each other?"

Brent quickly ran to the window, forgetting about restraining me. "Oh no. It's happening again."

"You better go, Beta; I will handle the rest from here." Brent quickly made his way out of the room, closing the door behind him. Leaving me alone with this sad-looking old man. The man walked slowly towards me. My back now touched the wall. I was trapped with no way out.

The Demon Inside Meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें