Chapter 12: A Pet Named Trouble

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My eyes snapped open, and a jolt coursed through my chest as if I'd been struck by lightning. My heart raced in my chest, and I could feel beads of sweat run down my body. A nightmare had yanked me out of sleep, and my body trembled from its vividness.

"This isn't real," I whispered to myself, attempting to find solace in the assurance. But my heart, stubbornly pounding away, refused to heed my command. The sheets stuck to my skin, causing a stifling discomfort.

"Helen," I groaned, my voice tinged with anxiety. "Please, turn on the AC. It's sweltering in here."

"Your body temperature had increased significantly, so I adjusted the temperature to help lower it," Helen explained. "Would you like me to change it back?"

I shook my head. "No, don't bother. You did the right thing." Grumbling, I peeled myself from the bed. My body felt strangely stiff, as if I'd been electrified. I needed to make sense of the unease plaguing me. I reassured myself that the nightmare.

With caution, I descended the stairs, conscious of my body's resistance. I couldn't understand why I felt this way when I'd been fine the previous day. Perhaps the bizarre incident in my yard had left a deeper mark than I'd realized.

As I cautiously navigated the stairs, my gaze drifted toward the back porch. Memories of the previous night's event rushed back as if replaying before my eyes. I sneaked out the back door and surveyed the surroundings, my breaths deep and measured. The dream had left me feeling as though I were suffocating, and the taste of fresh air was an urgent requirement. Yet, as I stood there, a shiver crept down my spine, and I sensed an unseen presence, as if something was watching me from the shadows.

Paranoia stemming from the nightmare's residue made me cautious. The midsummer day should have offered tranquility, but instead, it felt like I was on the verge of an ambush. The vivid recollection of my dream haunted me, creating a cloud of unease. However, the last thing I should be concerned about in this idyllic setting was defending myself within the confines of my own home.

Despite the soothing embrace of nature, my mind remained restless. I retreated indoors, irrationally feeling as though I were being observed. I shook off the sensation and proceeded to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. I had just turned on the TV to catch the latest news when a sudden surge of excitement seized my attention.

"Thanks to this firefighter, this family still has a home to go to. For our next story, let's go live to Natalie Gamble, who is currently reporting out top story about the Resadale Corporation scandal, which has sent shockwaves through the world. You've all seen the leaked documents, revealing shocking information about the company's alleged criminal activities.

"Thanks, Nancy, this is really incredible," the news anchor responded as the camera shifted to a blonde reporter. Her expression was serious.

"Resadale Corporation is one of the largest and most influential pharmaceutical corporations in the world. But does bigger necessarily mean better? Since last week, when an anonymous whistleblower exposed their heinous activities. Here on BSS, we have seen some of the darkest truths about this corporation come to light. Resadale could be liable crimes ranging from criminal, environmental to human rights violations." 

Camera turned to the Residale building, "Leaked information claims that In 2009, Residale concealed an ecological catastrophe in the Brazilian rainforest, involving the release of Chernobyl-like toxic chemicals, leaving over 600 oil pits uncovered, destroying the local ecosystem, and releasing more than 18 billion gallons of toxic waste into local water sources, used for bathing by the nearby communities."

"This led to severe health consequences, including cancer, birth defects, and spontaneous abortions, primarily affecting women. Natalie, I am here today with the President of Ressdale,  Ivan Vladislov." 

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