Chapter 9: Revelation

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Being on the road brought me a sense of freedom. Beautiful mountains and vast scenes of untouched nature unfolded before me. The landscapes quietly zoomed past us, allowing the road to unravel as we sped by. The tender sunlight kissed my skin, while the light breeze caressed my cheeks. I allowed myself to savor this feeling because I knew it was only a matter of time before my troubles came knocking.

"You feeling okay, A?" I peered back at Natasha and looked into her worried green eyes. I smiled, 

"Yeah, I am just glad you guys came."

"I have a diabolical plan," Dane retorted with his signature dark humor. "Shut up, Dane," both Kara and Mark snapped back.

"Fine, it wouldn't be diabolical if I told you guys anyway."

Mark's head poked near my seat, "what happened back there at the lab anyway?"

"I was caught off guard after talking to you. Brent came out of nowhere and put me to sleep. I managed to destroy the computer but my gear was left."

"I sent Dane  to clean up after you. I managed to tap the camera feeds after you disappeared on me. That pup's car was one of a kind. I was able to trace his plates and hack his car manufacturer for information. I hoped it would lead me to you."

Dane leaned back in his seat, wearing a mischievous grin. "You know, blowing up the dog house really scratched an itch I didn't know I had."

Kara shot him an incredulous look. "You and your explosions, Dane. It's like you're a kid in a candy store whenever things go boom."

Dane shrugged, unapologetic. "What can I say? Explosions make life more... vibrant."

Natasha chimed in, her tone dry. "Yeah, because what we need in our lives is more chaos."

Dane wagged a finger at her. "Ah, but Natasha, chaos is where the fun begins."

Mark, who had been quietly listening, couldn't help but join in. "You two are like a dysfunctional comedy duo. But I cant argue the positive results. Explosions and chaos, the secret to our success."

Enjoying their banter, "Well, as long as the chaos leads us to victory, I'm all for it."

Kira, suppressing a giggle, added, "Just remember, Dane, sometimes a well-thought-out plan can be just as effective as blowing things up."

Dane leaned in with a wicked grin. "Oh, absolutely, Kira. But where's the fun in that?"

More chaos. Is that something I still wanted? 

As the banter continued in the car, the word "chaos" echoed through my mind like a haunting melody. It was a word that held a painful resonance for me, conjuring memories of a nightmarish past.

Lost in thought, I drifted back into a painful flashback, my grip tightening on the car's armrest. The laughter and chatter of my friends faded away as I relived the darkest moment of my life.


The world had plunged into darkness, mirroring the despair that had settled within me like a shroud. It was a bleak and rainy day, and I, a shattered 16-year-old, found myself perched on the steps of an abandoned church. My face and shirt were stained with dried blood, the gruesome aftermath of a tragedy that had torn my life apart. 

Around me, stone figures adorned the church's exterior, some sculpted as angels, but one particular statue, perched overhead, bore a soulless and bitter countenance. Its downcast, darkened eyes seemed to cast an ominous watchful gaze upon me. Stepping away from the church steps, I descended aimlessly, burdened by an overwhelming darkness that transcended the mere absence of light.

No matter where I went, I kept coming back to the same abandoned church. The dark angel seemed to call out to me as the wind howled and pushed against my damp body. I was inexorably drawn to the forsaken church. The malevolent angel's presence beckoned to me, its eerie call echoing in the howling wind that buffeted my dampened form. I ascended the weathered, cracked steps once more, heedless of the insects that infested the area warning strangers to stay away. 

I climbed through the window with zero regard for the insects that plagued the area. Within the church, darkness reigned supreme. Feeble rays of moonlight struggled through the shattered stained glass windows, casting feeble shadows across the derelict interior. The partially collapsed ceiling permitted a single beam of moonlight to illuminate the altar. I moved slowly toward it, my frail hands scraping against unforgiving, jagged floorboards, the physical pain briefly eclipsing the emotional anguish that consumed me. But my pain could not eclipse the memories that haunted my every thought.

How could I forget? My sanctuary had been desecrated, my world shattered. Safety, once a comforting illusion, was now a distant dream. Sleep offered no respite; peace of mind remained elusive. Hours passed, and eventually, exhaustion overcame me, providing a brief reprieve from the torment.

And then, from the dark, a voice pierced the silence like a blade. "No, how long do you plan to linger here, little girl?" The words dripped with annoyance, snapping me from my restless slumber. I blinked, disoriented, unsure if the voice was real or a figment of my broken mind.

"I said, little girl, how long do you intend to stay?" The voice persisted, its slow and mocking cadence mimicking my own confusion. I struggled to respond, my strength depleted. "I... don't know," I managed to whisper before losing consciousness once more.

As my consciousness waned, I felt light footsteps drawing near, and a hooded figure emerged from the shadows. He crouched beside me, tapping my head gently, unlocking and replaying  memories I wished I could forget. My past, my pain, unfolded before his eyes, our stories intertwined in the most intimate of intrusions.

"You, little girl, are a Kinder Surprise I should not have unwrapped," he murmured ominously, hovering over me. 

"Go ahead," a voice from the shadows urged. "She's neither wolf nor human, but something else. A scent of an ancient lineage, Marquise."

"Dane, this isn't your concern."

"But it is, Mark. If you don't take her, I will. I could use another friend who appreciates the art of violence."

"Enough! She's not a toy. This half-breed possesses no purpose, no will. She's worthless. It's best to leave her to the void."

Dane stepped closer, peering at the sleeping body, his thoughts hidden in the depths of his calculating gaze. 

"That would be the easy way out, mage. Perhaps a solution would be to give her a new purpose? One that might breathe fire into her soul."

Dane was left pondering in the dark. A slow dark smile crept up, "A wise man once told me that a fire's light thinks it travels faster into a person's soul, but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds that the darkness was there first, and is waiting for it. My dear girl, you are a black hole waiting to consume all the light that enters. I shall watch and take great pleasure in the havoc you may wreak."

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