Chapter 14: Silence Before the Storm

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"Let's get something straight," Dane's voice cut through the chaos. "I hope you know that you will be cleaning up this mess yourself." 

My mind raced, struggling to process what had taken place at my home. Blinking, I surveyed the room. Broken plates and shattered cups littered the kitchen floor, mirroring the chaos in the living room, where upturned couches and a shattered coffee table left a scene of utter disarray.

 "Impressive, Aria. I've seen war zones that looked tidier than this. Is there a discount for cleaning supplies if I bring my own shovel?"

"Very funny." I peer over at Mark, who was staring at me. Dane walked over and swung his arm around me. 

"Who needs Feng Shui when you've got 'Demonic Disaster Chic' going on? But I've got to say, you've got a knack for interior design. This mess says 'demonic lair' like nothing else."

"Your eyes changed." Mark tucked a loose strand behind my ears for a closer inspection. As he closely inspected the changes, I couldn't help but notice a subtle, violet magical aura dancing  his iris.  Faint, intricate patterns of ethereal light swirled like miniature galaxies as though his very soul resonated with the ancient magic that flowed through him.

For the first time, I could see  Mark for who he really is; a magical person,  and of course, the hidden enchantments that were concealed behind the façade of a regular person.

The magic in his eyes was both captivating and slightly intimidating, revealing to me that Mark's abilities ran far deeper than what I had ever imagined. 

Impressive, the demon purred inside my head.  

Don't you dare. Mark was like a father figure to me. This monster will not compromise this. 

"You know, you guys are making me feel a bit awkward with you both starring at me," I shuffled nervously. Dane inched closer to me, scrutinizing my eyes as if searching for answers beyond the surface. His piercing blue gaze seemed to peer into the depths of my soul. 

Enjoying the attention, my spirit slightly pushed forward. My vision automatically became sharper and clearer. I could see even the smallest little pores on Dane's face. 

"Your eyes changed again," he noted, a smile playing on his face as he stepped back. His own eye color shifted to a deep crimson, while his features began to take on a more sinister appearance. His ears elongated, resembling those of a bat, and his jaw stretched to make room for sharper teeth. He no longer felt like Dane; something else had taken over him.

Mark, on the other hand, remained a silent observer. Dane's energy was intense, and I could feel the overwhelming power of his demon pulsating like waves around him. Dane's demeanor had taken a drastic turn, and his voice dropped into a deep, menacing tone. 

"Kneel," he demanded, his spirit demon asserting itself.

"Are you deaf?" Dane mocked, his spirit demon equally demanding. 

However, my spirit loathed being spoken to this way and reacted swiftly. As if caught in a riptide, I was drawn deeper into her presence.

My movements were faster than I could register, my hand finding its way around Dane's throat. A snarl contorted my lips, mere inches from his face. "Did I not show you who is superior, little demon?" 

With a smooth motion, my demon effortlessly lifted Dane into the air as if he weighed nothing. I felt her possessive and dominating nature as it engulfed me as I struggled for control, but my attempts were futile. As I sought to pull her back, she remained obstinate in her dominance. 

Recognition hits Dane. Despite the choking sensation, Dane's demon starts to laugh manically, a mixture of awe and amusement. Between coughs, he manages to speak through his laughter, "Welcome back, mother."

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