0.1 Just Another Afternoon

Start from the beginning

No one cared if I had more than two pairs of clothes or not.

I pushed open the large grand oak door, slipping in quietly, before shutting it behind me. I peeled my shoes from my feet, making sure to wrap them in a spare towel I had in my bag for rainy days.

I quickly rushed to the stairs, making little to no noise so that none of my siblings knew I was home, especially Apollo and Aphrodite as I could hear a business meeting occurring in the dining room. They hated it when I bothered them, which was little to never.

I heard the front door open, much louder than when I entered, but I didn't bother to take a look at who it may be, rather taking off towards my bedroom.

Cora and Ares hated that their bedrooms were on either side of mine, but Apollo had to make sure that it seemed like we loved one another whenever they had friends or girlfriends over.

I felt two hands snake around my throat, which was a signal for me to lean back into his chest and smile. I had to act like the perfect little sister while he acted like the perfect big brother. We had to put on a show so that people believed we were a happy family.

I was pretty sure that Apollo had a fiancé, but I wasn't one to know anything, as he would care even less about me.

"I guess that concludes our meal. Have a wonderful evening" I heard Orion conclude the meeting, as per usual. He always concluded it, saying the same thing. I wouldn't be surprised if he had a woman on his lap the entire time.

He loved it, especially when he got to flaunter it to me when I was sitting in the living room, which was extremely rare.

I slipped into my bedroom, taking in the nostalgic feel that the plain white room gave. None of my siblings had ever ventured in here whenever I was in here. I knew they had read through my books, in particular my diary.

The only things that were in my room was a queen bed that I had had for as long as I could remember. They never cared whether I rolled out of it when I was younger or not. The bed rested on the adjacent wall to the door I had just walked in through.

I never told anyone that my bed creaked every time I climbed into it, as I was sure that something was broken.

I then had two dressers that were on the wall that was in front of my bed. Whenever I woke up or before I fell asleep, I knew that I was worth as much as the stuff that I had in the dressers.

To the left of the door, I had a desk with a set of drawers. I had created some shelves above my desk to put my books that I had either stolen from my sibling's library or some of the teachers had given me at school.

I had walked through the forest at the back of the house, picking up some vines to hang from below the shelves and some flowers to put in my light up globe.

I had no decorations besides the plants I had brought in here.

I dropped my bag to the side of my bedroom door, in the bin I had for whenever it was wet. I then walked over to my dressers, pulling out some clothes before opening the drawer that I kept everything sentimental in. I had a lock on it, for a reason.

When I opened it though, I wasn't expecting one of the last things that I had found my mother had bought for me, ripped to shreds.

It was my teddy bear that was given to me after birth because my mother had bought it for me. There was a few other jewellery items in there from here, but I was too captivated by the teddy bear I had clutched in my left hand.

If only that was a sign that this would lead to being one of the worst years of my entire life.

My right hand made its way to my mouth, covering the sobs that filtered out of my mouth. My legs gave way, my body convulsing as the tears streamed down my cheeks.

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