"Oh yeah she's my fiance what couldn't I possibly know about her? What do you know that I don't?" I ask getting mad.

"Did you know she witnessed her mom dieing? Do you know her mom died while saving her life? That she has nightmares a lot of nights about the day her mom died? That she has never felt loved? Her dad left because he didn't love her. She has trust issues because she's been hurt so many times after getting close to people?" Zayn asks

"And you know this how?" I ask

"Because I actually talk to her about her past because it doesn't scare me. I was there that night when she had a nightmare. That's the night you thought we did something. I was there for her while she was crying while you were out of the country. She's told me many times she keeps her walls up around all of us waiting for all of it to come crashing down. That night when you slapped her you made her have a panic attack do you realise that? No because you don't know anything and that's what is hurting her the most" he says

"Whatever like you know anything I don't" I say

"Niall" I hear

I turn around and see Perrie standing there.

"Yeah what's up?" I ask

"Amelia wants to see you" she says

"She kicked us out of the room" Danielle says walking up with Eleanor

"Oh okay" I say standing up.

I get up from the table and walk to Amelia's room. I get there and open the door.


"Can you guys go and send Niall here I want to talk to him" I say

"Yeah sure" Eleanor says

They leave and I finally look at my wrist closely. The scars peeking out from the bandages and the stitches showing through. I sigh part of me glad I didn't sucseed and part upset I didn't. I'm glad because now I can be with Niall. Even though he doesn't know a lot about me. The other part upset it didn't work because it just means the hate is going to get worse for trying this.

I hear the door squek and look up to see Niall entering the room.

"Hi" he says walking over

"Hi" I say

He leans over and kisses my forhead. I pat the space on the bed next to me and he climbs in. He puts his arm around my shoulder and I lay against his chest.

"You wanted to talk to me?" he asks

"I didn't I just wanted you to be here" I say

"So why'd you kick the girls out?" he asks

"Because they're not my fiance" I say

"Oh I see" he says "You know Zayn and I just had an interesting talk"

"Oh about?" she asks

"You. Amelia I want to know about your past. I want to hear it from you not my best mate." he says

"Are you sure?" I ask

"Yes. I'm your fiance we're getting married in a week so...I want to hear everything" he says

"Okay um where do I start....well when I was born my father wanted to put me up for adoption but my mother refused. So he stayed with us to look like a good guy. He never did anything to hurt me physically. But emotionally he did. He yelled at me telling me I wasn't good enough. He fought with my mother every night. Yelled at her for not giving me up when she had the chance. One day when I was at school and my mom was at work he came home and packed his things and left. Hasn't contacted hasn't done anything. So about three months after my dad left my mom and I were walking and slipped on some ice. We fell down and we just layed there for a minute. A car came up on us and didn't slow down. So my mom kicked me out of the way and was hit. She wasn't killed instantly just layer there like in a daze. When I crawled over to her she grabbed my hand and said 'I love you make me proud' and I feel like I'm failing her. But anyway I moved in with Mikaela's family and lived with them since I was fourteen up until I was eighteen. When we graduated high school we moved into our apartment and started working for Nickelodeon. And you know he rest" I say tears falling

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