
I walk into the house and yell "Amelia I'm home"

I don't hear a answer. I shrug and take the groceries into the kitchen I set them down and walk upstairs. I walk into Amelia's room. I stop as I see her laying on the bed with a small pool of blood by her and a empty bottle of pills on the nightstand. I walk over and see her chest barely moving. I numbly call for an ambulance. I feel tears come out and fall to the floor. I just look at her. Her beautiful face. She looks peaceful,happy, and not broken.He face pale and her hair wet with sweat. I sit next to her and feel myself crying. I want to hold her make the bleeding stop but she looks so peaceful I don't want to.

The ambulance gets here and they take her away. I grab the diary off the nightstand and run to my car. I get in and drive to the hospital.

I get there and walk in. I walk to the front desk.

"Hi I'm here for my fiance she just came in the ambulance" I say

"The blond?" the lady asks

"Yeah" I say

"Okay she just got here go take a seat over there and ssomeone will come for you...what's your name?" she says

"Niall Horan" I say

I walk over to the chairs and sit down. I feel my phone vibrate and pull it from my pocket.

Hey what's up? There's reports about a ambulance leaving your house - Liam

Oh crap I forgot about the boys. I quickly text him back.

Amelia tried suicide....idk anything yet they're working on her now....you guys can come down if you want -Niall

I put my phone away and pull out the paper sticking out from the diary. I unfold it and read it. I get done reading it and whip at my eyes. It didn't explain to me why she did this. I open the diary and flip through it until I find find the entry from today. I read it five times. The fans? I thought they stopped. They have to ruin everything!!! I hear a sob and look around. I'm the only one sitting here. I hear another one and realise its me. My finance just tried to commit suicide a week from our wedding. Because my stupid fans cant realise that I'm happy with Amelia.

"Niall" I hear a voice say.

I look up and see the boys along with Danielle Eleanor and Perrie with them. They all have red eyes.

"Hey guys" I say

"Have you heard anything?" Liam asks.

"No not yet" I say

At that time a doctor comes out.

"Niall Horan" he says

I stand up and walk over to him.

"Im Niall" I say

"Mr.Horan Miss Johnson is fine....we got her stomach pumped just in time it looked like she had taken the pills only twenty minutes before she got here. He cuts were deep but we got stitches in them. She lost a lot of blood and we had to transfer some. Now based on Miss Johnson's history seeing this is her first attempt I will not say she has to go away but she needs to see a pyshciatrist. And has she been taking her pills?" he says

"As far as I know she has been" I say

"She hasn't " Eleanor says

I turn to look at her.

"She says she hasnt because she felt so happy she hasn't taken them in about six months" she says

"Well that could also be the problem" the doctor says

"So shes fine?" Zayn asks

"Yes she is...she is asleep at the moment but you can still go in and see her" the doctor says.

"Thank you doctor" I say

"No problem Heidi will show you to the room" he says

I look over to see a nurse standing there. I walk towards her and she walks down a hallway. We get to a door and she opens it motioning for us to go in.

I walk in very slowly. Amelia is laying on the bed and she looks so peacefull. I go to her side and grab her hand.

"Does anyone know why she'd do this?" Zayn asks

I hand him the diary and the letter. I turn back to Amelia and rub circles into her knuckles.

"What the heck" Zayn says

I turn back around to see him fuming. The others reading the diary and letter.

"What hate?" Perrie asks

Zayn immediantly pulls out his phone and goes to Twitter. He looks at some tweets and shows them to the rest of us.

We can all tell your in love with Zayn...the way you always look at him and always flirt with him

Just heard that you tried suicide...good go to hell

Wow!!!! she broke guys!!!! she tried suicide our mission is accompolished.

Wow suicide? that's a bit dramatic!!! #attentionwhore

"How he hell do they even know she tried?!?!?" Zayn yells

"Zayn calm down" Perrie says

"I think I may know how" Eleanor says

We all turn to look at her.

"Listen to this" she says reading from her phone "Neighbor of Amelia Johnson and Niall Horan reports he saw Johnson grabbing the pills and the razor blade from the medicine cabinet and then the ambulance coming....he put two and two together and came with the conclusion that Johnson had commuted suicide...We do not know the state in which Johnson is in...stayed tuned for more reports concerning Johnson"

"How the hell does the neighbor know that?!?!?" Zayn says

"His bedroom window looks right into Amelia's bathroom.She normally has the blind shut but opens them after she gets dressed and everything so....she must have had them opened and he saw" I say

"Guys we all need to keep calm...Amelia is sleeping" Perrie says

"She's right" Liam says

"I'm leaving" Zayn says walking out of the room.

"I'll go with him" Liam says following Zayn

I sit in the room holding Amelia's hand while Harry Louis Danielle Eleanor and Perrie sit around quietly.

"Owwwwwwww" I hear

I look over to Amelia and see her rubbing her head.

"Princess" I say hugging her.

"Ow Niall" she says

I pull back and look at her.

"Oh no it didn't work....you came home to soon....why did you have to come home to soon" she yells

I stumble back and stare at her as she cries. I look to the others and see them staring at her.I feel the tears prickling in my eyes.

"Niall get out of here....go with Harry and Louis and go" Eleanor says

She pushes me into the arms of Harry and Louis and they pull me out of the room.

"Why couldn't he have just let me die!!!!!!!!!" I hear Amelia yell before the door slams shut.


Hey guys!!! so what do ya think? If you haven't noticed I'm not really good at writing these author notes....but hey Im trying right? Anyway wanna hear a joke?

So I got my permit and I'm short so my friend asked me if they had to lower the camera to get my picture....I know not that funny but I was talking to my grandparents that same night and my grandma said that I needed to get a booster seat before I started driving....I have mean friends and a mean grandma :( Oh well I love them any way.


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