Taiju ran in front of her and... "Oh my-" you tried to say something, but suddenly couldn't form the right words. "Finally feeling it, huh?" Senku mocked the way Taiju tried to be hero, but his injury from Tsukasa made him fall to the ground. "He's seriously bleeding. He'll need several days of bed rest after this," Senku stated. But then... When is the 'after this'?

"HM... There's no need to fight among friends. Taiju, you go on protecting Yuzuriha... Better her than statues you never knew," Tsukasa said coldly. Je ten turned around, grabbed his coat and replied: "I'll do what I'm meant to do here... So don't get in my way!" and like this he walked away. Yuzuriha crouched down to Taiju while Senku grabbed the arrow. Sitting down our of exhaustion you could feel the overcoming relief. "My crossbow fired this arrow at over 200 km per hour," he said, grabbing it. "And he grabbed it. Like "BAM"..." Yuzuriha cried out. "Looks like he's virtually invincible in this age," you said your opinion out loud. Sebou approached you and while still thinking he suggested: "There's only one way left to stop Tsukasa... We'll have to turn the clock forward." "Huh? Are you saying you want to make another drastic jump to the future?" you asked with disbelief, folding your arms over your chest. "Kukuku... You're right, Simpleton. In a 9th century humanity's got the greatest invention-" "Smartphones...?" you jumped when Taiju suddenly opened his eyes and spoke. "Wrong! You really like smartphones, huh?"

9th century, faster than crossbow, smaller than arrow... Oh he is not-

"Gunpowder?" you asked with full confidence in your history skills. "Damn right. We've gotta make gunpowder!!" he exclaimed excitedly, making the gesture of shooting gun. "Stone tools came about two million years ago... While gunpowder was invented much more recently, in 700 A.D. Kukuku... That means we've gotta take one drastic jump forward of 1,998,700 years. Now that's exhilarating!" Funny how talkative he can be about this stuff.

"Hey! It's time to set off on our journey to make gunpowder," Senku kicked the lying hero. "Oh my! You idiot, give him some rest. You were the one who said he needed days of bed rest, after all," you scolded scientist's childish behaviour. But Senku smiled even more: "Against Tsukasa... You're not gonna fold that easily, right, Big Oaf?" "Right! Of course not!!" Taiju exclaimed back. You watched in complete disbelief, trying to understand those two's brain system, but in the end: "Boys are weird," you whispered to Yuzuriha to which she nodded in complete agreement. "Now let's go pack up!"
"By the way, Senku!" Taiju shouted, running to catch up to him. Senku showed that he is listening by smoke 'heh?' and it actually was enough for Taiju. "What's the raw material for gunpowder?" he asked which science boy wanted immediately answer, but, "Is it fireworks?" You burst out laughing. Senku looked like his brain stopped processing for a brief moment and Yuzuriha tried not to laugh so hard, but it came out as a small giggles eventually. "Shut up, Big Oaf! You're so unbelievable!! Just go pack some food or whatever," Senku proceeded and waved all of you off.

Feeling like a third wheel is no fun as you once again found out recently. Those two are so lovey-dovey that you just miss the days, when you could simp on 2D guys. Everytime Yuzuriha'd giggle you moved closer and closer to the ladder. Eventually you got up to the treehouse, when behind the close door you heard a loud crashing sound. What is that lunatic doing?! Opening the door Senku yet threw another... Pot? "Looks fun. May I join you?" you smirked obviously mocking him. For second he stopped and gave this disgusted look. "I don't know~ It's soooo boring, smashing my hard work!" With this said you grabbed a pot and smashed it as hard as possible. "You're right. It's boring. But when I imagine your telescope being that pot..." you threw yet another one. "Oh~ How satisfying." You smirked, but stopped when you spotted Senku's dark eyes. "When I imagine your favourite headphones!" he carelessly threw a pot. You gasped and took another one. "Your microscope!" "Your notebook!" "Your-!" Pieces of the broken pots flew around and even out of the window, which finally brought attention of the lovebirds. Taiju and Yuzuriha hurried to stop this chaos, but when the door bursts open you stopped with shouting and just continued carelessly breaking everything around you. "Nooo, what a waste. What are you two doing?? Don't you know that fighting is bad!" Taiju shouted with confusion mixed with worry. "Just staging the scene. I'm making it look like we grabbed only the food and ran in fear of Tsukasa... While, on the other hand, this Simpleton's playing around," you turned with disbelief to Senku. "If we can get our hands on some gunpowder we win! But we're sunk if Tsukasa figures out our plan first. That's the kinda race we're in now!" The four of you agreed and went down to grab your bags. Waiting for Taiju and Yuzuriha to get out of the way on a ladder, Senku's standing in the door. You grabbed one bigger piece from the ground and threw it. Senku turned around by reflex and you smiled: "Your organic chemistry book."

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