"You know she will find a way and do it anyway." Blaze clicked in their language. Archer shrugged. "If it happens, she'll just learn the hard way again." He replied. "You won't stop her before then?" Blaze questioned. Archer scoffed. "She wouldn't listen anyways. If it does turn out bad we can only trust şoc can handle it, and perhaps their friend will finally prove herself. She did get better after a while and when she had a weapon afterall." Archer replied. Blaze nodded then they proceeded to watch the computer for any signs of the human male. "Alright so if they won't help us I'll just do it myself." Roxy said firmly. "You know I love you and how you take care of your friends, Rox. But isn't this pushing too hard? What if something goes wrong and she is hurt?" Nadia said. "There is a right time and place... I'm not sure now qualifies as either..." She added. "Well I believe now is the perfect time. If we don't push her she's just going to miss an opportunity." Roxy defended. Nadia sighed silently. "Right. But how are we going to find him? And how are we going to get her involved? She's on the mothership, no ships are hers and she cannot pilot one anyways." Nadia replied. Roxy grinned. "Claire is how. Blade has the ship, and he can fly it. And it just so happens he would do anything for Claire-Bear." She said smugly with a smirk. "Yes, but he also has a brain. He wouldn't put any of us in unnecessary danger. He also wouldn't abandon this assignment for that. None of them would." Nadia reasoned and Roxy scoffed. "I hate when you're smart. But, there have been a few tricked and trapped to the point they died before because of a weaker race. So theoretically we can trick them with this too. Minus the dying part." Roxy said. Nadia sighed. "But why do you want to do that to them?" She questioned. "I want Marissa to have the same happiness that we do! Why is that so wrong?" Roxy argued. "It's wrong if someone gets hurt because of it." Nadia clapped back. "Well no one will. Not this time." She defended. "You didn't think sparing that woman would hurt anyone either." Nadia said plainly. Roxy snapped a glare at Nadia, then she walked out without a word. Nadia sighed again as she rubbed her temples.

Within just a few hours they were alerted to the human male being spotted. Claire was beyond ready when she got the news. Currently Blade was piloting the ship to get to his location. Roxy walked in. When a brief glance around let her know it was only Claire and Blade present she just smiled. She walked in. "Hey, Blade. Do you know where they sent şoc?" She questioned. Blade glanced at her briefly, and gave her a single nod. Roxy grinned. "And where is he?" She inquired. Blade just turned back to watch where he was going. Roxy frowned and looked at Claire. "Get him to answer me." She said. "He already did. He is where we are heading now." Claire replied and Roxy made a O with her mouth. "Can we take a real brief detour?" She asked. Claire tilted her head. Roxy quickly pulled Claire out of the room. "Marissa is your best friend right?" Roxy asked and Claire nodded. "I'm trying to get her a shot with şoc right now. Can you talk him into getting her first? Just tell him she's from that planet originally and wants to get a few necessities or visit her family or something." Roxy said. Claire seemed unsure. "You want her to be happy like us and give her the chance to have what we have don't you?" Roxy pushed. Claire nodded slowly. Roxy smiled. Claire and Roxy both went back in with Blade then. "Sweet Seară?" Claire said quietly. Blade looked at her instantly as he trilled. "Can we stop by the mothership to pick up Marissa?" She asked. Blade tilted his head with a chuff and Claire nearly had a heart attack. She had to resist the urge to tackle him and cuddle him right then and there. "The planet where we are going, she used to live there. She just wanted to grab a few things. And say goodbye to her family since ya know... It's not really safe for her anywhere until this mess is sorted or forgotten." Claire said quietly. Blade stared at her silently for a while. "She won't get involved with our mission. Also I will have it taken care of long before she'll be ready." Claire added. Blade just continued to stare so Claire approached him. She hugged his arm, pressing against him. "Please, sweet Seară?" She pleaded with a slight pout. Blade chuffed at her again, and dipped his head once. Claire smiled and she kissed his cheek and mandibles. Roxy grinned and sent a message to Marissa. Blade eventually docked his ship in the mothership after their detour. Marissa was waiting. As soon as she was on board he undocked and then continued towards their destination. Roxy was there to greet Marissa. "It wasn't easy to make this happen. So you have to shoot your shot, Rissy." She said. Marissa nodded. Claire sent a message to Marissa next. It was the location of şoc's ship. A while later, they landed on the planet. "I will not be directly with you, but I will be close by just in case." Blade signed. Claire smiled and activated her armor. While she did that Blade put his Bio-Mask on. The pair grabbed each other's hands interlocking their fingers. They cloaked and then exited the ship. Marissa was supposed to wait to go to her home until after Blade and Claire returned. However, they were close to şoc where they were now. Roxy and Marissa both ended up sneaking off of the ship. Roxy only took her to his vessel and no further. "Alright from here it is on you. Remember you are the one in control here. Do not back down from him or give him an edge. That includes when he growls at you. The best way to get them to shut up is with a kiss." Roxy said as she winked. "It makes them freeze. None of them know what it is so they have to process and try to comprehend it first." She added. Marissa nodded. Roxy then left Marissa at şoc's ship to head back to Blade's.

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