Prologue - How it started.

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Prologue - How it started.

Sitting alone in the corner of the bar counter and watching people laugh happily dancing with lust in their eyes. 

My eyes roamed around; I noticed a pair of lovers staring at each other’s eyes with full of affection. I watched them passionately kiss without a care in the world, and all of a sudden, it reminded me of someone I wholeheartedly trust but still betrayed me in the end. 

Bitterness filled my heart, and so I ordered a bottle of tequila, pouring myself a drink. As I drank; I felt a burning sensation as the liquid slid down my throat, and my body shivered with a mix of pleasure and pain. 

I felt energised, so I decided to take another shot. I grabbed the bottle of tequila and poured it in my glass. Some people would bother me, asking me to dance with them or to get my number, but I paid them no mind.

I only want to drink and get myself drunk, so I can erase those memories in my head. So I could forget this wrenching feeling in my heart even if it's only for a little while. 

I raised my glass, kissing it. 

"I love alcohol," I mumbled to myself as I left a red lipstick print on the transparent glass.

I smiled satisfied with myself as I poured another shot.

I did that over and over again like a boring routine.

Pour, drink, pour, drink.

Until slowly I felt dizzy. The world around me seems to revolve in a circle. That's my cue to go back home. I paid my bill and stood up. 

As I walked out of the club, the moon was up and round, and the city street was still bustling with people and life. The wind blew, swaying my long black hair in the air, and my pale skin felt cold, but I didn't bother calling a taxi cab since my apartment is just a five-minute walk away from here to the east.

When I started walking on the sidewalk; I suddenly felt heavy. My head, my arms, my legs, my whole body felt heavy.

I felt my knees go weak as I wobbled from side to side, walking down the street. My heels clicked on the stone pavement as I walked from straight to zig zag.

Ghad, pull yourself together Ash, I scolded myself in my thoughts. 

I continued to walk with my eyes half closed. My eyelids feel heavy as I look around me. I feel the urge to just lay on the ground and just sleep there, but the last reason in my head told me otherwise. 

The fuck I'm doing, I scolded myself again as I continued to walk. 

I could feel the gazes of the people around me, but I kept myself moving. I didn't give a shit to how I look right now. I just want to go home and sleep.


My legs stopped as I stared down and saw a black cat approaching me. The little fellow rubs its head around my bare legs.

I bend my knees, wrinkling my fitted red dress; I pet the black furs on top of the kitten's head. 

Suddenly, the black cat ran away. I stood up as I moved my body again to walk, but suddenly a loud horn resounded from near me, and when I turned my head, a car came speeding its way towards the black cat.

I didn't think twice, and perhaps the alcohol inside me made me move in instinct, running towards the black cat to grab it to the side.

Right after that, I felt a hard painful impact on the side of my torso, rolling my body on the hood of the car, in the air, and dropping my body awkwardly on the ground. 

I clearly heard the sound of my bones cracking so loudly, and how my head and back hurt like hell. 

Like I just got hit several times by a baseball bat all over my body. I couldn't feel my limbs, my arms, and my entire body. My body felt cold and numb. I felt my own blood leaking out like an open faucet, draining the life out of me.

People surrounded me, taking out their phone, flashing their camera at me.

"So–somebody…call an…a–ambulance," I mumbled in a faint weak voice as my eyes started to blur.

I could barely hear the people around me, murmuring to each other on something I couldn't hear clearly. I suppose the driver is blaming me for being an irresponsible drinker, I guess?

Slowly, my eyesight became white, and everything from the moment of my childhood until now flashed in front of me like a scene from a movie. 

As the scene of my life played in front of me; I heard a monotone voice of a robot.

[A compatible soul has been found. Does the host give consent to binding System Zero to your spiritual body?]

System what? 

Am I hallucinating because a car hit me? But the car didn't hit my head, right? It hit my body, so this should not be a hallucination?

Well, whatever. I suppose this is just the alcohol playing tricks in my head, so sure bind whatever to me, but just make sure I don't die.

After that, I heard a mechanical voice again.

[Affirmative. System Zero is initiating binding—binding in process, loading in 1%, 2%, 3%,...,100% complete. System Zero has successfully bound itself to the host soul.]

Hmm? This is getting a little weird.

[Warning: the host physical body is deteriorating. As promised, System Zero will initiate an emergency soul transfer to save the host from returning to the cosmos. System Zero initiates soul transfer—soul transfer in process, loading in 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%,..., 98%, 99%, 100% complete. Soul transfer complete.]

Baffled and confused were the last feelings I have in my heart on its last beat. As the white light devoured my mind; I felt my whole being pulled out and pushed around in a circle like a roller coaster ride.

[Warning: System Zero senses the space environment is unstable. To protect the host, System Zero will use an emergency shield.]

What is happening?

I have no idea, but I feel scared for some reason. I couldn't see anything around me but extreme blackness. There is nothing but shadow surrounding me, but I could feel myself being transferred for some reason.

Right now, everything feels like an airplane ride, and after a while, the ride soon became smooth.

[Host successfully transferred. System Zero will enter sleep mode for three days. Host be careful in the new world…]

The mechanical voice warned in my head, and slowly, the voice faded in the end. Probably fell asleep like what it said?

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The loud beeping sound next to my ears woke me up from what felt like a long sleep.

When I opened my eyes again, I found myself in a crowded place inside a white room, and the people surrounding me were wearing medical green scrubs, masks, and a green head cover. 

I suppose they are doctors and nurses based on their medical outfit, and this room should be an operating room?

The question is, what am I doing here?

My brows knitted, feeling dizzy; I felt a throbbing pain on the side of my temples, and I seem to not remember why I'm here?