Chapter Twelve - Resisting the cravings like a plague.

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Chapter Twelve - Resisting the cravings like a plague.

I gazed down at the woman, who seemed to be always falling in my arms. 

Her face is bare. Skin glowed radiant golden sun-kissed under the light from the kitchen; a shade of caramel and cinnamon brown color. Her long lashes and straight thick eyebrows match her sharp features. I stared at her full lips, and it took me everything not to nibble them between my teeth.

My lips raised to a wry smile. She even went out without any mask on. Erin is, I mean, Minerva really is in a state of confusion. Like a drunkard, she uttered anything out of her mouth, and despite feeling delighted by the fact I'm coming to know more about her, I couldn't enjoy the moment. After all, I'm quite certain that once Minerva returns to her normal self; she would probably regret doing all of this, and that's not what I want to achieve. 

I let out a sigh. I held the woman up, carrying her over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes. After that, I trudge my feet back to her room. I don't know why she suddenly went out of the room, but I need her to stay put. Like seriously, I can't be with her now.

Because I feel like something is also wrong with me, and I think it has something to do with Minerva.

I have this urge crawling within me. The blood on my veins is pumping wild, and I feel like my whole insides are being roasted in a sweltering oven. 

To be honest, the moment I left Minerva's room, my gums started itching, and I felt thirsty. My teeth seemed to be craving for something to bite on.

I went to the kitchen to drink some water and relieve myself of the situation, but it only got worse, and that's when Minerva suddenly grabbed my shoulder from behind. Her face at that time appeared like she wanted to say something urgent. However, she didn't have the time to complete her sentence as she fainted in my arms.

At the same time, my body became hot as a lava when Minerva appeared in front of my eyes, yet also, her musky scent gave me a sense of comfort. 

Regardless, even at this point, the intensity is only growing more wild, and I wanted nothing but to bite Minerva all over her body; leave all kinds of marks and become one with her.

I bit my lower lip hard, shaking those thoughts away, burying them from the deepest abyss of my mind. I continued on, moving slowly and steadily up the stairs. While walking, I could vividly feel Minerva's chest resting behind my back; they heaved up and down peacefully, while me, on the other hand, wanted to ravage her and tear her clothes apart.

I took a deep sigh, clenching my jaw, feeling like my canines are growing sharp. My eyes felt sensitive with the light as well; ears became more keen and self aware of Minerva's breathing; my skin was blazing in inferno. 

Get your grip Ash, I reminded myself in my mind, trying not to lose my reason.

However, the fact that my nostril could still get a whiff of her aromatic scent made my mouth water, and my heart felt so possessive. I wanted to lock this woman within my arms for life. But of course, I can't do that, and I can't be unreasonable. 

Also, I want to start it in a wholesome way. It may seem idealistic, but for me, I can't risk losing a good happy family. Right now, what I'm feeling and what Minerva is feeling are both just lust. If I want to build a perfectly balanced relationship with Minerva, both she and I need to work together and get to know each other first. I wanted to take the time; just slowly but surely.

This is my only opportunity for achieving those dreams I failed to have in my past life. In addition, I want my little Blythe to have a complete family. In order to do that, the balance between me and Minerva should be perfectly fair first; we need to connect with each other emotionally first, not physically, but it can come later.

However, for now, I can't afford to ruin that chance; just for a moment of a fleeting desire.

With sorted thoughts, I sauntered to Minerva's bedroom, treading my feet inside. The dim room made the sensitivity of my eyes at ease, but it made my other senses heightened. I swallowed, feeling sweat pouring out of my skin.

I walk to the bed, placing Minerva down as gently as I could, tucking her inside the blanket. She grumbled like a baby, hugging my arms, and my body stiffened as my arms came in contact with her skin. I gulped, closing my eyes, biting my lip until they bleed. 

My heart is thumping violently in my chest, and my thoughts are running wild. It took me so much effort not to pin Minerva underneath me and do the deed. 

I erased those notions as I hurriedly stood up, escaping the room like I'm being chased from behind. I moved my legs, running directly to the bathroom. I turn the shower on, just letting the cold water simmer down my boiling lust. I tried to fight all the filthy urges seeping in every inch of my flesh and blood; I resisted the cravings like a plague.

I sat there inside the bathtub. Making the freezing liquid do its job like holy water. I hugged my knees as the scorching fire died down bit by bit.

Ezra, can you hear me? I called out to mecha-cat in my head.

[Yes, host.]

I heaved a sigh of relief, because I needed to talk to someone about these things. Furthermore, I can't take care of anything if I'm like this, and I need to pull myself together. I have to be a mother to Blythe, and I have to take care of Minerva as well. 

[Host, what's the matter?]

I snapped out of my head as I replied back in my mind: I have a problem with my body, can you do something about it?

[Understood host. Give me a second, I'll get there now.]

Even though Ezra couldn't see me, I still nodded my head: Go ahead.

It didn't take long for the mystifying cat to arrive. Ezra appeared out of nowhere, suddenly popping up like a mushroom, floating in midair. 

Ezra's eyes glowed: [I will now run a health care scan in the host body.] 

I didn't interrupt, just waiting for it to end as Ezra's hologram-like laser scanned me from head to toe. After a while, the scanning ended, then the mecha-cat floated near me, tapping my head, sending a series of information.

My brows knitted together as my mouth gaped in shock. I raised my hand, grabbing my shoulder that was bitten by Minerva. "I see," I mumbled. "So, Minerva was indeed trying to mate me…"

[It seems that you have been injected with advanced toxins. An S-Tier type of bacteria that spreads out to transform the cell and the structure of the body. At the moment, we can either let things unfold and become a new different species, but in return; during heating periods, the host body will feel compelled to have intercourse with the party who causes you to turn. Either that, or we can just eject the toxins out of your system. It's your choice to make, host.]

My brows furrowed even more: what do you mean become a new species?

[The body will become a hybrid.] The mecha-cat answered, floating in midair.

"Like Blythe…?" I gasped as I blurted out.

Ezra nodded. [Yes.]

I swallowed as I fell into contemplation.