CHAPTER 28: Marching Forward

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"So what do you say?"

"But why me?"

"You're the only lesser who has that kind of battle experience, and because of that stupid contract I can't intervene."

"You broke it before. The contract never stopped you."

"Grey, we are fighting on their turf. We lose...we die"


"Don't you wanna see Kezzes fall? See him on his knees? He lied to you every step of your training. Although it's nothing like your parents..."

"I get it don't remind me." I snapped

"I'm glad your on our side, Grey"

"No I still never agreed-"

"You will learn more about aether" Agrona interrupted.


"Did you think I didn't know?" He asked laughing.

"I knew realmheart gave you insight on aether, although how much of it shocked me..."

"Ah yes that..." I said, my heart rate lowering.

"Anyway I accept" I said. If I declined it would look way to suspicious. And on top of that Agrona would no longer be on my side, which is one of the few reasons I came to Alacrya...for him to not be my enemy.

"Perfect" he said.

"All the leaders are meeting in room 42993."
A/N: TurtleMe's birthday

"Got it" I said plastering a smile on my face.


I was waiting in the meeting room, with Caera and Nico beside me. Caera looked calm on the outside, but in the inside I could tell she was a nervous reck. Nico on the other hand looked scared on both sides. His face was more pale then usual and his eyes were wide. Wide with realization, although I did not know why.

The door creaked open as Grey walked in, followed by a little girl with horns.

Caera gulped while Nico smiled painfully.

Grey gave us all introductions and moved on with the plan. But I did not listen. All I needed to do was get rid of Grey. He was too powerful...way to powerful.

His one dimensional view on the world leaves him like a ticking time bomb. Especially if pushed by Nico's past life hatred.

Plus Agrona already gave me another mission on this invasion.

To kill Nico.

In all honesty I didn't care. Nico's love for me has always been forced through magic. Although it made me sad I would be the only reincarnate. It made me think of the future. Of just how much the world would bow down to me. And all I had to do was get rid of Arthur.

A smile crawled on my face. Nico looked at me as if reading my mind.

Or did he perhaps already know...just what did he over hear between me and Agrona. Just what could he do.

I guess I found my first target...


My plan was simple. Get Nico out of the equation. Have Cecilia fall in love with Grey because of his power and conquer Epheutus using the combined power of Realmheart and the Legacy.

Although Greys response bothered me I didn't pay it a second thought. Grey's reliance on me was absolute. The only person who could ruin it all was Nico. The spell on him is shaky, one wrong move and it's all over. That's why I need him gone. Grey already hates him and Cecilia doesn't care about him.

Everything is set up, I thought with a laugh.

My only mistake was relying on Nico to be less stubborn, a slight miscalculation.

I closed my eyes and rested.

Time to surprise my old friend, I thought with a smile conjuring a white portal behind me.



Shit shit shit shit shit.

I gave Cecilia straight to Agrona. She is fully reliant on him while I am useless. I am definitely Agrona's target. While Grey is Cecilia's.


Although I got stronger it doesn't mean much. The most I could do is hold off Cecil for a minute at most.

But what about Grey...

He too is under Agrona's command. He is brainwashed and practically forged to be Agrona's pet. How do I break him out of it...


There is too much to do in to little time. Grey...I hope you have grown since your reincarnation...


" are you" Caera asked.


"I know you were never social but even this is bad for you." She joked.

"I'm about to fight the gods themselves, unfortunately I don't have the stomach to talk"

She leaned her head on my shoulder," I understand."

I picked up my pace letting her head drop from my body.

"Not the time" I scolded looking back at the pouting Caera.

"Maybe if this world wasn't so dark it would have worked out" I mumbled under my breath.

We now walked into Dicathen, Xyrus to be exact. People lined up on the streets to wave or scoff at us.

A few people tried to attack but even Caera was enough to take them out with a blink.

"Uh Grey..." I turned to see Nico behind me.

"Yes" my voice was low.

"I'm sorry, for everything"


"Please listen" he started.

"I listened enough" I said pushing out my bloodlust just a little.

Right now my mind was filled with the new godrune and the relictombs.

I am fate?

Aether is my follower?

I couldn't understand any of it. All I knew was that my godrune let me enter that golden aether state. But for how long and why was beyond me. Maybe I discovered an edict of fate but if I am fate that wouldn't make sense.

"We are here" Cecilia said.

"Are you ready?" Sylvie asked

"I'm always ready" Regis responded

"I wasn't talking to you doggy" Sylvie jabbed

"Shuddup you fat lizard"

"What did you just say-"

I mentally blocked their argument as I looked up at the portal in the central of Xyrus. The last one that was kept untouched. The only one that could lead us to Ephutus.

"Lets see how strong you really are...Kezzes"


There was a lot of plot in this one so sorry for the short chapter, it took me a few days just to plan how I wanted it to go lmao.

Sometimes short is sweet tho..right..right

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