CHATPER 12: Melee Enhancement Tactics

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"What? How?" The scarlet beauty asked.

The supposed professor stood there simply smiling.

The rest of the class sat in their seats mouths agape. How can an unblooded ascender no one has ever heard of before have a position in Central Academy? My mind still racing I noticed the man had averted his gaze from the woman and now looked at us.

"Now that I have a small understanding of your ability's I have deemed most of you...a lost cause." He said flatteringly

Then the professor and the assistant scurried off into their office leaving the rest of the class to their thoughts.

"What was that"

"What did he mean"

"How dare he"

"I'm telling father"

The class erupted into chaos. Every melee enhancement tactics teacher has never been up to standers, however to think one would just leave his post in the middle of class...that was simply unheard off. And what did he mean "we were worthless!"

All of us were the best of the best at fighting and spell casting. As a professor you should be honored to teach at this school. Not flirt with female colleagues.

To say I was disgusted was an understatement.

Looking over to Klev Frost, the oldest sibling of the Frost family and heir to the highlord, I nodded to him and he nodded back.

If the professor wasn't going to teach us, then we would teach him.


Closing the door behind us I could tell Ceara was still in the process of sorting through her thoughts; so I sat down behind my large desk while motioning her to sit opposite of me.

After a few long moments of silence Ceara finally spoke.

"What happened...there was a bunch of purple light and then poof I was back at my estate."

Yes Ceara because a powerful aetheric teleportation spell can be described as poof...

"Well...the runes brought me to another room in where I had to progress my mana arts in order to leave. It took me years inside the relictombs to finally get out."

I didn't tell Ceara most things like how I met an Ancient Mage and the fact I can now use aether. I wasn't yet ready to intrust that information onto anyone.

"So how strong are you now Grey...I never have seen you fight but to spend years in the relictombs, I can only imagine how much stronger you have gotten."

"Very" I answered simply.

"I'll find out next time we enter the relictombs, I can promise you that." She said giggling.

I noticed her laugh was so light hearted and delicate, almost carefree. I envied that.

"But first we have to prepare the class for the Victoriad" I said. Whatever that is.

"My blood wanted me to gain some popularity during the Victoriad so that is why I am an assistant right now, to try and get the class as high up in the rankings as possible." Ceara said not being able to hide her annoyance.

Ah so it is a tournament of some sorts, and it seems like it is a pretty bid deal.

"I see...then let us do just that."

Entering the classroom there was a bunch of chatter and whining. Seeing me and Ceara enter the students sent us glares as if to say "we are better then you."

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