CHAPTER 1: Prologue

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Arthur Leywin

The noise of the war was drowned out as I stared mouth a-gap. Sylvie was clinging onto my chest trying to push me back, tears streaming down her cheeks. Emotions rolled like a thunder storm in my mind, fear and pain took over my entire body. But most of all, I felt anger. True rage boiled within me.

Not at Agrona and the Vritra. Not at the Asuras of Epheutus. But at myself. Seeing my father laying down, soulless, left a gapping hole in my heart.

I should have been there for him, I should have fought by his side. What is the point in winning this war if I can't spend my life with the people I cherish. Unable to keep my composure any longer I let out a long mournful scream.

Unwillingly releasing the restraints on my mana core the full pressure of a white core mage weighted down on the battle field. Every beast fell down and died, every mage gasped for air, suffocating. Even Sylvie was not able to stand up against it. 

In my mind I saw it. The giant hole in my heart left by my fathers demise. The hole in which King Grey lived his entire life, devoid of emotion.

It reached out to me and I did the same. It showed me the memories I had with Renoylds. The laughs we shared and the tears we shed. I smiled a mournful smile. "Thank you" I mouthed. May your next life bring you more joy than I could ever hope to offer you.

Standing back up, gathering back my intent I walked towards my farther putting my hand over his eyes and closing them shut. A tear fell from my cheek and onto his.

Malevolent mana started escaping from Sylvie's body. Twisted at my insides like an icy claw I could barely keep myself from passing out. Slowly getting up she patted the dust from her pitch black dress and smiled. "Long time no see, Grey"

Her now scarlet eyes met mine. I could see a sense of pride and superiority twinkle in them. I sighed, knowing what was to come.

What do you want Agrona? Putting his finger onto his lip he innocently said "Right now? To see your defeated face knowing you could have changed the outcome of this battle."

My face twisted in a fit of rage. "So you only came here to rub in your victory!" I yelled.
"Of course" he said nonchalantly. Would there be any other reason? Panic soaking through my voice I asked "What about your offer?"

Scoffing Agrona declared that our deal is off. For the first time in this life, I fell to my knees. Weak and defeated I squeezed through the pain in my voice. "Why, you said you needed me, that I was a thorn you would rather remove than fight."

He simply starred at me for what felt like hours. Then he burst out in a fit of laughter. "You think you are a threat! Look at you the so called child of prophecy meant to save Dictation from the evil Vritra weak down on his knees. You are no use to me Grey. You never were."

Realizing the threat of this situation. I began to panic. My backup plan of saving my family was now gone. Not only could I not save Dictation, I couldn't even save my family.

"Please...please" I squeezed out. "Save my family bring them to Alacyra." Or what he sneered. Is the mighty Arthur Leywin going to swoop in and kill me if I don't. Putting his shoe on my head he said "I owe you nothing." Pushing down on me with incredible strength he made me bow.

I could tell he was grinning, soaking up every moment of my suffering. "No you don't, but I could owe you." His smile faded, interested he took his foot off my skull. "If you save them, I will owe you. I will do everything in my power to assist you...if you save them."

I finally got up from the first hand embarrassment I just faced. I looked at him, his face clearly in thought, face carefully masked. He let out a chuckle. "Fine" he said matter of factly. Let me see what you can do.

My mind was whirling with thoughts. Why. I simply went of my survive instincts, I didn't expect him to accept. What is his plan? Will he truly keep his word? Is it another one of his games? Clearing my head, I thought that for now this is my best chance of keeping my family safe. I have to take it. I owe it to them, to Mom.

I will send a battalion to bring your family to Alacrya. They will be knocked unconscious and you will explain everything to them there. For now, go to the dungeon where you defeated the S class mana beast as Note. There is a portal that will take you to Alacrya.

Not even asking how he knew that I was Note I looked at Agrona with a sense of relief. "Thank you" I muttered looking down at the ground. "Oh no" he answered. "Thank you."

Confused by what he meant I looked back up at my possessed bond. Her eyes shined like a child on Christmas opening a new toy.

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