CHAPTER 27: The Calm Before the Storm

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I left Seris's estate early morning. Now I only had two things on my mind. Cecilia and my new godrune. My new godrune wasn't dark purple like the rest of them, it was pure gold. My excitement reaching its peak practically forcing me to enter the relictombs.

For a second I was in a convergence zone, then I was floating in empty space.

"What the-"

For the first time since I entered the relictombs I couldn't sense any aether. It was simply empty nothingness.

I released a pulse of aether from my core and saw the purple particles float away from me and then stop. Releasing more out from within me the same thing happened. I spent some time doing this, carefully watching where the aether was going. After my core was half empty I could finally see some kind of picture forming in front of me. I released the rest of the aether within me, leaving only a sliver of it for protection. Just in case. The aether floated towards the rest aligning itself to complete the purple portray.

It was a city. Skyscrapers filled the scenery with people walking underneath them. After a while I grew bored. Nothing was happening. The picture was just floating mindlessly while I couldn't do anything to effect it. I thought about releasing mana but it just dimmed away anytime I tried.

My mind focusing on my lessons with Dreg, he had told me that aether had a mind of its own. So maybe I could manipulate it more then just spell casting, but like an object. It was risky but I imbued the rest of my aether into Auroras Requiem. The godrune shimmered to life. Focusing on the floating aether I tried to turn time forward. The aether shifted and showed me a portal, then it showed me people fighting mana beast. Then it showed me, looking at the painting.

"Are you showing me the relictombs?" I asked.

The aether brightening, then dimmed.

I'll take that as a yes...

I then tried to turn time back. Again the aether shifted, but not into a painting; it moved all around me. The space grew brighter and brighter. Aether poured in from all around me, like waves splashing down at you in the ocean. My core refilled as my eyes adjusted to the bright environment, trying to take everything in.

I was inside the painting...

Skyscrapers towered over me as I could see people with purple tattoos all staring at me. Was I...where the djinn lived. The first to snap out of her shock was a woman with short cropped black hair.

She walked towards me, but her guard was up.

"Who are you" she said leveled.

"Grey, a djinn" I said, trying not to provoke them.

"How did you get here" she asked


"I have never seen aether arts like that." She retorted.

"Aether is unique, you should know that." I said now on the counter offensive.

The woman turned around, made a motion with her hands, and everyone turned back minding their business.

"Well that was weird" Regis said

"How was your beauty rest?"

"Ha ha" He said jumping out of me

"Also what was the deal with your whole wolf transformation thing"

"I consumed enough of your mana to gain a form"

"But why white and not something badass like flaming purple" I asked

"White is very manly you know" Regis responded. "And it's because I'm made of your fancy Quadra elemental magic. It makes me special"

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