CHAPTER 20: A Mere Dragon

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3rd person.

Barion and Varay were sitting at a campfire waiting for orders. They had been instructed to sit still in case a dire emergency happened.

Barion was fidgeting with his thumbs while Varay put more sticks in the fire. They didn't use mana as to not give away their location.

The Lances were prepared for anything and everything. Or so they thought.


What are these morons doing...sitting still in a forest while Dicathen is in shambles...

Always like Barion being thick headed though, I thought.

I wasn't even excited anymore.

All of the energy had drained out of me dealing with such low beings.

I walked up behind Varay, still using mana to conceal my presence. Then I touched her head.

She screeched.

Barion looked at her confused.

"What was that for." Varay said in her icy voice.

"I didn't do anything."

She scoffed but let it go.

I continued toying with these fools for a few minutes until they both stood up and started yelling at each other.

It got to the point where Varay started casting a spell.

I was let it form...then canceled it.

"Getting old?" Barion teased, forming an electric spear.

Varay only stood, shocked.


Since the spell was denser it made a sound this time.

"Wha..." Barion started.

Getting bored I walked out of my hiding spot.


Both lances snapped their heads towards me, getting into a fighting stance.

"Hey what's with the rudeness...I just came here to say hi"

Skipping the pleasantries Barion pounced on me cladding his first with mana.

In return, I yawned.

Dust rose up from the ground in casing all three of us.

A tear trickled down my face as I closed my where was I, ah yes...

"Weird one..." Varay said

"Right...but to think we didn't notice him."

"Please don't ignore me like is quite rude"

Shocked, both lances jumped.

This time Varay launched a spell at me but at this point I was done.

I sent out a wave of aether blocking and destroying her spell while punching Barion in the stomach and kicking his head, rendering him unconscious.

Godstepping towards Varay I snapped my knee into her spine letting her fall forwards with a thud.

Anti climatic as always...I sighed, yawning once again.

I prepared to godstep away but a dense concentration of mana gathered behind me.

I turned around to see a silver portal forming behind me as a familiar figure stepped from the other side.

His galaxy eyes took everything in with a blink.

His swept back pale hair along side his tacky uniform made him fairly distinguishable.

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