CHAPTER 2: The Journey To

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AN: Quick message, Chapters 1-3 is what I consider the "opening stage" of this fan fiction. It sets up the plot and introduces important characters. Although I was tempted to skip the introduction and get straight into the plot I was worried that then the plot would be lack lustered rushed and overall really bland. However because of this chapter 2 and 3 are very repetitive and closely resemble the original story. I hope you can push through these chapters as in chapter 4...this is where the fun begins.


Descending down the dungeon Sylvie didn't speak a word. She was still mad at me for not talking with her before making my deal with Agrona. I understood her anger but I didn't have a choice.

She didn't know that the only way Agrona and I could communicate was by her getting possessed. I considered telling her but it would only bring us more pain...bring me more pain.

I felt the dungeon getting colder and colder as we made our way further down. The noises of mana beasts came from every side, though they didn't pose any serious threat.

After around 1 hour of trying to find the portal Sylvie finally spoke up. "I sense a lack of mana further up, Arthur"

My heart felt like it skipped a beat. She has never spoken so formally to me before. It felt like she thought of us as mere contractors between mage and beast, and she was begrudgingly doing her side of the deal.

With a frown I sent a mental transmission. "Thank you Slyv, forgive me."
But it didn't go through.

Sending mana to my legs I accelerated forward to where Sylvie had told me to go. Speeding forward, wind tousling my hair. It reminding me of just a few hours ago. When I rode Sylvie's back into battle. The battle where I lost my father.

No, I couldn't think like this. My father wanted to serve in the war, he died an honorable death he-
But I didn't let the thought run through. Why...why did he sacrifice him self for Dictation. Weren't Mom and Ellie enough, wasn't I enough.

Stunned, I came to the realization. No I wasn't enough. I was a freak of nature who lived two lives and ruined his. He couldn't love me after knowing my secret. He didn't CARE.

Rage boiled within me. Is that what everybody would think if they knew who I was? Is that what Ellie would think...Tess?

With every thought I grew more and more annoyed at my situation. Maybe Alacrya really was the right decision. There I could start over. No longer being tied down by people I have to protect yet don't even love me back.

There everyone will know who I am, and if they choose to accept me, I will accept them. No more one sided deals, no more putting myself before others.

Snapping out of my daydream I realized I arrived at the portal. Sylvie asleep on my head.

Yes, in this place. I will start over, not being tied down by either of my lives. I am no longer King Grey nor Arthur Leywin. I am simply Grey.

Burying the guilt of betraying Dication deep deep down inside, far within the hole now in my heart. I stepped through the aether made portal, I instantly found myself in a busy street. Stores and restaurants everywhere. Turning to see the portal behind me, I realized it was gone.

Eleanor Leywin

The horde of beasts was relentless. For every one I killed two replaced it. Knocking another arrow I spotted Arthur fighting a Nightmare Grizzly his perfect movement tied with his masterful swordsman ship was truly a sight to behold.

The Grizzly swooped its powerful paw at Arthur, the paw itself at least twice the size of Boo, but he merely side stepped and conjured wind around his blade.

Jumping up he gripped his teal sword with both hands and directed it downward. Enhancing gravity he used his downward momentum to cleanly cut the mana beast in half.

The sound of war brining me back to reality I let loose my magical arrow at a mana beast running towards him.

His azure eyes tracking the arrow watching it empale the beasts abdomen. Before the beast could even let out an ear rupturing roar Arthur dashed toward it cleanly cutting its head off.

Giving me a sad smile, one that held the weight of the entirety of Dictation, he dashed off to what I presumed was to fight another mana beast. Show off I through as a wide grin bloomed on my face.

Getting ready to knock another arrow I noticed that the war had frozen. Everyone stopped moving. It felt like time it self was frozen still. Then a piercing intent full of pain and regret filled the air. Clinging to my throat and gasping for air I fell to my knees. Not even giving me the time to think my eyes were forced shut as my mind went blank.

Notes about chapter: Arthur is mad at his dad for participating in the war. If he had not, he would have lived. Because of his fathers death Art is now on shaky terms with his family due to becoming weak and emotional because of them; and them not listing to him resulting in him not being able to protect them. His plan is to let Agrona keep them safe while he watches from afar, devoid of any ties to them.

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