CHAPTER 6: Relictombs

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Sylvie was gone.

"Where is she!" I turned to Ceara. "I-I'm not sure." "What do you mean you're not sure! You said that we won't get separated if we follow you! Now look where we are!" I raised my voice even more.

"This shouldn't have happened, it's just a preliminary, it should be simple, quick...not this." Ceara said worriedly.

Following her gaze I turned my attention back to the zone. It was a wide cube, with no light entering it from any side. Glowing purple runes floated around aimlessly 6 feet above the ground.

I wanted to scream at Ceara, I wanted to kill her so badly that not even a trace of her mana signature would remain. But I couldn't, not with Sylvie waiting for me on the other side. Or so I hoped.

Taking a deep breath, "Come on Ceara let's figure a way out." I said, not as calmly as I would have hoped. "'s just a black room, there is no trapdoor, no monster to fight, nothing."

"I know but we have to-" wait did you say it's just a black room? "Ye?" So you can't see the floating violet runes? "Haha very funny Grey."
"No no I'm serious." Pointing to one of the runes "So you cant see that?" "Nope."


"I'm going to touch it."


"Do you have a better idea?"


Walking up to one of the runes, I slowly stuck my hand out. "Don't die" Ceara said encouragingly. "Gee thanks." As soon as I thought I would touch it my hand was forced to stop. I tried to push harder but neither the rune nor my hand moved.

Next imbuing my hand in mana I stuck out my hand again. This time the rune moved away from my hand. But still, I couldn't grab hold of the rune.

Out of options, I started back at step one.

Why can I see it but Ceara can't? What makes me different from Ceara?

Interrupting my thoughts "Also Grey what is a bond?" Ceara asked clearly bored. "It's a contract with a mana beast." I said simply, Why? "Sylvie called you that when we first met, I wasn't sure what it was but I didn't question it then." Getting annoyed at the mention of Sylvie's name I tried to calm down. "They are pretty common where I come from." "Ohhh and where do you come from exactly?" Ceara asked intrigued.

Although I saw the question coming, I still wasn't sure how to answer it. Deciding to ignore her I got back to work.

So Alacraians don't have bonds I thought to myself. What else might they not have.

...A beast will. Igniting realmheart my perspective of the world shifted and everything faded to grey. Everything except the floating purple ruins.

"Pretty cool, right?" I smirked.
"That's an understatement." Ceara said in awe. How did you do that?
"I have my secrets." I said teasingly.
"Yeah, too many." Ceara said pouting.

Imbuing mana into my hand I again tried to touch the rune. Now the rune started to shake. Just what the hell is happening? There is no pattern, no logic to the runes movements.

Crashing down next to Ceara I put my head into my hands.
"Nothing huh?" Ceara asked.
"It's as if some other force outside of mana is required to interact with these runes."
"THATS IT! Ceara your a genius!"
"Um...I know?" Ceara said, confused.

Jumping back up I activated static void. Mana rushed out of my core as my world went monochrome. Instantly the runes started shaking, as if breaking free from the shackles placed on them and moved swiftly towards the center.

Forming a circle the runes started spinning faster and faster until they started to break apart. The dust falling from the runes soon enveloped the floor, then spread to the walls and ceiling. The dust started to light up, it glowed brighter and brighter until even the walls shared the dusts purple glow. Then the walls of the cube shattered.

Before I could even comprehend what happened I found myself face to face with an old man. He had purple tattoos covering his body. The man's skin was white, ghost like. With yellow eyes staring into my very soul.

"Ah if it isn't Arthur Leywin."

Sylvie Indrath

It feels...warm. Energy flowing through every fiber of my being. If only I could stay like this forever...feel this sensation for eternity. I wish I could've but then I saw the look of Arthur's face when he saw his father. The look of terror printed on it, the pain I sensed leaking from him. Not even this pure energy could cleanse the image from my mind.

Stirring awake cold beads of sweat trickled down my face.

"Greetings little one."

Looking in the direction from where the voice came from, my jaw dropped.

A woman made of aether stood in front of me. Every different body part moved by its own will. Every different cell had its own shape, color and texture.

"What...are you?" I asked dumbfounded.

"The relictombs" she answered with a kind smile.

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