Chapter 21: Confrontation

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Since it's a long weekend I had time to write another chapter sooner then expected :)


"What the-" I jumped as a little willo-wisp floated out of me.

"Greetings master! I am Regis, a weapon of mass destruction and annihilation" the raspy yet squeaky voice said.


"Hey don't demean me like that. I am a weapon of the gods-"

"Are you the weird piece of stone in my hand" I asked as I interrupted the chatter box

"Yes!" He said visibly excited

"What can you do oh great weapon of mass destruction"

"I'm so glad you asked master! I, yes and I can..."

"Great...your useless"

"Heyyyyy that's rude"

I thought the flame pouted...somehow

"And why are you a flame...not some dragon or something."

I couldn't explain it but it felt nice to have a stupid conversation every once in a while, to get away from all of the war and politics and shit. But it didn't change the fact that this weapon was starting to get annoying.

In all honesty I forgot about ever since my training with Dreg.

"I'm made from maybe you rubbed of on me like some kind of-"

"I don't want hear the rest of it." I interrupted

Although it was more like I was afraid to hear the rest of it.

"Like some kind of bond."

Great this thing can talk in my head, I remembered.

"Cmon it can't be that bad having a companion around"


"Oh I see how it is...just giving me the silent treatment for no good reason. Look it's not my fault that your dragon friend might be-"

The world melted in front of me. Bright purple light emanated from my body erasing everything it touched. My heart pumped pure destruction as violent rage filled my insides. Mana partials quivered, some exploding under the pressure.

"She is not dead." My voice shook, barely contained. "And make sure you remember that."

A violent bang filled my ears as the rest of the mana partials followed suit.

The aetheric purple turned gold succumbing the world into nothingness.

Eventually time caught up with itself as I saw what happened with my very eyes.

The land was filled with dust, not even a single mana particle floated around in the air. I didn't need realmheart to tell me that.

Ashes filled the air as far as my aetheric vision could let me see.

"What happened" Regis asked.

"I don't...know" I answered skeptically.

"I say we get out of here and pretend this never happened, yeah?"


I took out a cube from my dimension rune and imbued mana into it.

For some reason the sight of nothingness looked familiar, although I couldn't tell from where.

A sphere of bright light surrounded me and the will-o wisp and teleported us back to Agrona's not so secret castle.

Unfortunately my troops couldn't find Alice or Elenor so I would have to talk with them later.

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