37 - A Little Party Never Killed Nobody

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The last ten days may have been the best days of my life

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The last ten days may have been the best days of my life. Everything feels easy and natural, even getting out of bed is tolerable. After my parents asked Ann to keep an eye on me, I moved in at Ann's place an hour later. For the sake of appearances, I take one of the guest rooms. A nice big suite, at least twice as big as my room back at home, expensively but tastefully furnished. Any hotel would charge a fortune for such accommodation, but I can't wait to drop my bag in Ann's room. The truth is that I'll hardly ever set foot in 'my' room.

Only a few servants are not on vacation, and even these we hardly get to see, so that is one problem less for us to worry about. Just the kitchen crew, consisting of a cook and two aides, I often see enough to remember their faces. The remaining housekeeping staff is told, or rather very impressively drilled by an extremely serious Ann, that they would only be needed after explicit request and otherwise shall enjoy the holidays.

We spend a lot of time in the woods, playing catch or hide and seek, or just exploring the area together. At first, we are both a little hesitant about how far we can safely roam through the territory, some memories still fresh and hot like a blazing fire. In the end, we just make sure to stick to the patrols and it works out.

Oh and Ann was right, the shift does get easier every time, not painless, and far from pleasant, but easier. By now, Delta and I don't even need help anymore, on the contrary, sometimes I struggle to remain in control when she gets too excited.

And she easily gets excited way too these days.

The rest of the time we do what all people do. We talk, we laugh, and we watch movies, or at least try to... turns out that keeping your hands to yourself is nearly impossible when your girlfriend is the most gorgeous being on the planet.

The first days fly by, and Ann has to return to work. Which is fine, at first, because she can work from home a.k.a. her room, I just have to come up with something to keep me from pestering her every other minute. So, I study, read a book or two, and listen to the new album from one of my favorite bands. But I eventually grow tired of being a reasonable adult and start kissing her out of the blue or nudging her again and again. Sometimes I just ask simple questions like "Are you hungry?", "What are you working on?", or "Are you horny too?".

Okay, I only asked the last one once because it worked all too well and Ann almost fell behind her deadline, and I know how much she hates that. So, I let her work and I've learned to enjoy her silent company. Even if it's hard sometimes.

The 'only watching and not touching' thing turned out so much harder than I could have ever imagined. I have no idea how I am supposed to carry on with my life after the holidays but I figured that it is a problem for 'future me' or more 'future us'.

Right now, we sit together at her oversized desk, she is hunched over a folder, propped up on one elbow. Her eyebrows touch and from time to time her lips part as if to say something. She does that a lot actually, and I find it cute and catch myself smiling at her ever so often, as I peer over the edge of the book I am trying to read.

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