14 - Night Watch

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„Your Highness? "

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„Your Highness? "

The room falls silent. Waiting.

„Princess? "

I absently motion him to silence, waving my hand dismissively, as my eyes dart eagerly over the last lines of the paragraphs I'm currently reading. Sighing in frustration I close the file, sliding it aside. Yet again another loose end.

"Princess!", his raised voice snaps me back into the room. Right, the meeting.

"Do we bore you, Ann?" He is gesturing widely around to the other members, all of them staring at me.

"Of course not," I pause, shooting him a polite smile, "I could never be bored in such absorbing company, Keith."

"Would you then be so kind as to share with us your thoughts on the recent subject?" he is trying so hard to hide that smug grin, but his eyes betray him. Leaning back in his chair, arms crossed as if to challenge me.

Sure, I know he would never let an opportunity slip to embarrass me. I've learned a while ago, that he is not the kind of man who likes to get orders from the supposedly weaker sex. He is probably just compensating for something and for his sake, I hope that it's his lack of wit and not something more... personal.

"With pleasure but I don't think you will like my opinion," giving him an apologetic wide smile before turning to the other council members. "The cost estimate of the planning agency you hired is ill-conceived at best."

"Is that so?" Faking confidence, he lets out a low chuckle as if I had said something funny. I wonder if he is any good at poker, he is awful at bluffing.

"Indeed. You commissioned a company from half across the country, the transportation cost alone is taking a good third of the budget. I propose giving out smaller commissions to local businesses around the triangle. Alpha Joffrey has one of the best florists in these parts of the land, the Hamilton-Bakery and the "Léontine", both offer catering as well as far as I know. Splitting the assignments would need more monitoring, so I would recommend hiring an assistant or intern who oversees everything and helps my mother with the rest. Students from the economy department or public relations may be suitable but I think finding someone isn't going to be a problem."

I love to see Keith's façade crumble as always, he thought he was the only one doing his homework.

"I suggest spending the money on our own local businesses, showing the people that we support them instead of throwing cash to some fancy agency who underpays their workers and suppliers." At the last contention, I can see several of the members nod in agreement.

"If my calculations are correct," and they are always correct, "we may even save around 17%, depending on the negotiated conditions." More nods and Keith is looking more and more pissed by the second.

"I will send you a report with all relevant figures in a timely manner, my apologizes for not being better prepared but unfortunately I had some exams this week."

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