46 - Maroon

305 27 49

„Miss Evans?"

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

„Miss Evans?"

„I don't like what we are doing."

"Miss Evans?"

"I am not going to crawl back to her because you are struggling with separation anxiety," I answer Delta bluntly but silently.

"Miss Evans?"

With a hiss, Delta replies, offended, "Nobody said anything about crawling."

"Miss Evans!"

Something tugs on my arm, "For the love of-; Kate." I tear my lost gaze from the hollow and meaningless life that lingers behind the window. I spin my head around, and my eyes need a second before they can focus on Charlie's hand, warm and gentle, still placed on my elbow, his upper body leaning halfway onto my seat.

"Hm?" I hum in surprise. It wasn't something tugging; it was someone.

"Welcome back, Miss Evans," Professor Albury says, his tone displeased, tongue sharp, and eyes narrowed, "Did you see anything interesting?"

"Erm," I clear my throat and roam the room, noticing that everybody is openly staring at me and feel the heat creep up my neck and face. "I-"

"Well?" His stern look and the impatient tapping of his foot on the tiled floor make my blood run cold and my palms sweat. I hate being the center of attention now more than ever.

Shaking my head, I stutter a low "N- No."

"I see. Now that you've returned from your trip to Wonderland, you may want to answer my question?" Professor Albury's lips curl up in an unpleasant smile.

"Q- Question?" I breathe.

"Yes, the question I asked you."

From the corner of my eye, I can see Charlie trying to signal something to me, but I can't quite make it out without obviously turning to him.

"We are all waiting, Miss Evans." Professor Albury reminds me kindly.

I interpret Charlie's open palm as a number and cautiously say, "Five?" Earning a vigorous nod from him. The next 'thing' is harder to decipher, and after a few moments of silence, he tries a different approach and draws a stop sign on his notes, making me frown.

Five stops? Five stop signs? That doesn't make any sense; why would Professor Albury ask about stop signs in a class named Immune responses and their relation to field medicine?

"Miss Ev-"

But then it clicks, "The five cardinal signs of Inflammation," I almost yell the words.

"Indeed, that was the question. Would it bother you to give me the correct answer too?"

Triumphant, I fold my hands on my notes. Of course, I know the answer, and relief never felt so soothing. "Pain, heat-"

"In Latin," he bellows and smirks at my flinching reaction.

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