29 - Healing III

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So, we take it slow and when I say slow, I really mean it

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So, we take it slow and when I say slow, I really mean it. My eyes cautiously fix on different things while my mind is racing to come up with a plan. A plan that doesn't involve triggering any alarm, that doesn't involve tripping, falling, crashing, crying, or screaming.

I breathe in "It's still a bad idea. "

"Two days." She reminds me.

Opening the sling around my arm is easy and stretching doesn't hurt as much as I was anticipating it to. The hard part is turning the monitors off because to do this, I need actually move my body. After a sharp inhale I bite my teeth together and shift my body to the right, aiming at the big red 'off-button' with my index finger. Needlessly to say, I fail. Three fricking times I have to do this before I land on the right spot. Panting and huffing with tears in my eyes I curse Nora, I curse my mother and all the stupid people that don't tell me shit.

It takes me what feels like hours to get out of bed after unhooking the IV lines and ECG probes, but I manage and after another lifetime I find myself pressed against the cool wall of the corridor, praying for people not to come by. I am scrambling with both exhaustion and pain, but the progress is there. The infirmary is a small part of the Palace and I know it well and I also know that there is very little staff too.

I refuse to look at my leg, walking isn't fun if you could even call it walking in the first place. I am pretty sure there is some blood but as long as I am not dripping on the floor, it should be fine, right?

Finding her room is easy though. I just follow my nose. I am cautious to close the door quietly behind me, not wanting to draw any more potential attention toward us. In the dim lightning, it takes me a while to take everything in. A desk with multiple books and magazines, a few loose sheets, and a ballpoint pen. I am not surprised to see that she is trying to catch up on her classes. My glance lingers on an IV bag, and I wince a little when I see its line emptying into Kate's arm.

She hasn't told me a thing about how she is doing... on the other hand, I didn't ask. I was just so happy to see her alive, it didn't even occur to me that she could be hurt. Inevitably, feelings of guilt and remorse come crashing down on me. And truth be told, I deserve every ounce of it.

Her breath is slow and steady, and I would hate myself even more for waking her, so I tiptoe, or whatever you want to call what I am trying to do, over to her bed and heave my unruly body onto the mattress.

"Hey there," I whisper as I lie down with her and nestle my head against her shoulder. Worry and fear leave me for a moment, and exhaustion crashes over me like a roaring wave over a ship in the middle of a storm, and I allow myself to close my eyes for a brief, tiny fraction of a second. And then... I fall asleep with a soft sigh on my lips.

The sound of the room door opening, and closing is faint in the back of my mind. I am too tired to care, too tired for anything and everything that doesn't consist of simply laying half on top of Kate, inhaling her calming scent. Just being here makes me feel better than all the meds I've taken over the last two days combined.

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