- Anagnos' and Loukanis' -

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- Synopsis - 

Thalia Anagnos-Loukanis

A 14-year-old girl who has not only struggled to fit in at school but with the people that should have loved her; her family. She was the one that brought two families together.

People wouldn't say the families hated one another, they would say that they chose to have nothing to do with one another. But Thalia, she was supposed to bring them together, to unite them. But rather, when she was born, it seemed to change the two families. Instead of them aweing and cooing at her, they would have banished her if they got the chance.

Growing up, it became 16 against 1. Older sisters are supposed to share their clothes with their younger sisters and prepare them for what was awaiting for them. Older brothers were supposed to protect the younger ones and tease them from time to time.

Not tie their baby sister to a chair and force her to eat her dinner that was just mush or make her sleep out on a cold winter's night so that her body would harden. She looked up to her eldest brothers and sisters, hoping that one day she would be loved by them like parents. But nothing changed from the cold glares and door slams in the face. 

- Book Aesthetic -

- Book Aesthetic -

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- Characters -

| Apollo "greedy" Anagnos – 30 |

"If it was my choice, you wouldn't be here, but because your parents wrote in their last note that we were to look after you, I guess I have to, doesn't mean I have to love you"

"If it was my choice, you wouldn't be here, but because your parents wrote in their last note that we were to look after you, I guess I have to, doesn't mean I have to love you"

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Achilles "snobby" Anagnos – 29 |

"Looking at you makes me want to throw up whatever I have eaten"

"Looking at you makes me want to throw up whatever I have eaten"

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