Ch 18: Graduation

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Clays P.O.V.

The time had come for the eight seniors of Pyrrhia High to graduate and move on into life! Outside of the room they'd end it all, Clay and his friend were chatting on what fun adventures they'd had at the school.

"Remember the time that Clay ate all of the science teachers experiment?" Tsunami joked. "The look on his face was priceless."

"Or the time that Deathbringer here tripped into the pool?" Sunny laughed. "The memories we've made here have been some Ill never forget!"

"Agreed!" everyone else said.

"By the way, Clay, haven't you been accepted into an athlete college?" Starflight asked. "What an honor that must be!"

"It's cool, but I'll probably only play a few years of football and then go and do something else." Clay explained. "I've been thinking about teaching here later in my life."

"Sweet." Riptide said. "I may head on and become an entrepreneur. I've got a connection that's giving me my very own zoo after I'm done at college!"

"Alright!" Tsunami yelled. "My BF is going to be rich. Say, can I get some of that inheritance?"

Everyone laughed at her joke. Really, these memories that the group made would be some of the best moments of Clays life. It almost made him miss the days.

"It's time guys." Deathbringer sighed.

One by one, the seniors entered the graduation hall. The cheers from the room echoed and Clay felt proud of his accomplishments. He wasn't the kid he once was. Stepping on to the school stage for the last time, he was something more!

"Welcome one and all to the graduation ceremony!" Principal Thorn shouted. "These eight have graduated our fine establishment and are ready to move on! First up, Glory Leaf!"

Glory stepped in front and looked as proud as ever! The days the girl and Clay had seen reminded him of what a leader she was.

"Glory is a fine student with a 3.7 GPA!" Thorn continued. "She will continue her studies in politics at Dragon Academy College and you may see her as president one day!"

The crowd cheered along with Clay and friends while Glory stood blushing. Maybe one day he could say he'd been friends with the president!

Others began to get their degree while Clay waited for his turn. Tsunami ended with a 3.6 becoming a teacher, Riptide a 3.1 becoming a entrepreneur, Deathbringer a 3.2 becoming a military soldier, Fatespeaker a 3.9 becoming a nurse, Sunny a 3.7 becoming a teacher, and Starflight a 4.0 becoming a professor! Finally, it was Clays turn.

"And now, Clay Mud!" 

Cheers erupted louder than ever before as he stepped up to receive his praises. He almost felt like crying due to the love the people were giving him. What would he get?

"Clay is a very lovable and caring student." Thorn said. "Through the years, he has made lots of friends and has impressed teachers with a 3.6 GPA! He will continue to Arkanclaw to play football!"

What a day this has been! What a day.....

Throughout the rest of the day, Clay relieved congrats from people and chatted with his friends. Riptide, Starflight, Glory, and Deathbringer had all left for college and the world has seemed to settle down.

"I have an idea." Tsunami said out of the blue. "Since soon we're all going to be going away, why don't we play one last fun game together? Just to end the times we had as kids and move on too the future!"

"Sounds great!" everyone chimed in.

"Why don't we invite Peril to play with us?" Clay asked. "Considering she probably won't see us after this."

"Sure, we can invite your girlfriend." Tsunami said, making Clay blush.

For the rest of the day, the group spent time hanging out and sharing old memories. It was an experience that was amazing and lasted for what felt like eternity! That was, until everyone left and the years were over.

Hey guys. So, this is just a quick thing to tell you how everything went in their lives! P.S. after this I will still be making more chapters. 

Clay Mud went on to be a football player for the New England Patriots, playing three years there and being loved by many. In his life, he married Peril Blaze at 24 years old, having three kids and eventually passing away at 84 years old with his family by his deathbed.

Tsunami Splash went onto become a teacher at her old school along side her old friends Starflight, Sunny, and Fatespeaker. She married Riptide at 20, has one kid, and worked as a teacher for for thirty years before retiring at 56. She is still alive today and lives near her friends in Pyrrhia.

Glory Leaf went on to become Governor of a small city, Rainland, and worked in the government for many years. She married Deathbringer at 22 but he tragically passed at 29 before they could have kids. She end up living to be 80 and living as a real legend.

Starflight Night went on to become a Professor at his old school and married Sunny right out off college. Even through his blindness, he was regarded as one of the greatest minds ever. He had a handful of nine kids and passed from cancer at 74.

After marriage with Starflight, Sunny became a teacher at her old school and one everyone loved. She taught all of her nine kids and two of her grandchildren before she retired at 67. She is still alive today and lives next to her friend, Tsunami.

Riptide went on to marry Tsunami and owns own worldwide known zoo! His zoo is regarded as one of the best ever as he and his partner, Winter Storm, own it and help the public! He lives with his son and is a worldwide traveler as well!

Deathbringer owned his own cafe franchise and received much love from the public until his death at 29. He now has is own memorial cite and it is visited around the clock!

Fatespeaker is now a famous doctor and still working her craft. She started at the age of 27 and soon married a nice gentleman who owns a housing business. She has three kids who are all nurses and doctors and is regarded as a lovable woman, even at the age of 85!

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