Ch 10: The other school

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Hey guys. So, sorry if it seems like I'm rushing this, but I'm going over all of Jades high school years and more! Do to that, each year has to be minimized. Now enjoy this chapter.

Kinakjou's P.O.V.

Kinkajou was talking with Principal Thorn. Apparently, some kids from the other school were coming to oversee the them until the games began. It was Kinkajous job to help them, and as a reward she would miss math class!

"So, are they fun!" Kinkajou asked.

"Uh.... I guess" Thorn remarked. "Although one of them is kind of shy."

"I'm sure they'll get over it." Kinkajou insisted.

When Kinkajou met the kids, she was having second thoughts. One of the kids was taller than Winter and looked really scary! Another was a girl with a look of annoyance on their face. The next looked a little more cheery, but not enough. The last girl wore glasses and looked like the only nice one of the five. The last was the supposed shy boy who was staying close to the girl with glasses.

"Hello" Kinkajou said. "My names Kinkajou and I'll be showing you around."

"Very well" one of the girl said. "My names Luna and this is Sundew, Swordtail, Cricket, and Blue."

"Well, follow me." Kinkajou sighed.

This group was obviously not going to be fun! They didn't even seem to get along with each other. What kind of a group was this?

The girl with glasses walked up to Kinkajou with a cheery expression. In the day light, she noticed that the girl had dyed orange hair, a yellow dress, and looked like the only one of the five who Kinkajou could relate to.

"Sorry for Luna and Sundew's grumpy personalities." Cricket apologized. "So, what do you guys do here?" 

"Boring stuff like ten math classes a day!" Kinkajou laughed.

"Do you have crushes?" Cricket asked.

"I do, but no relationship there." Kinkajou told her.

"Huh." Cricket remarked. "I'm with the shy boy, Blue, over there."

"He seems nice." Kinkajou said.

"Sometimes a little to nice." Cricket sighed. "He just wants to think everyone's nice, even though that's pretty far from the truth."

Kinkajou was right. Out of all the kids visiting their school, Cricket was definitely the best!

Winter's P.O.V.

Winter was walking the halls of the school in frustration. Kinkajou had gotten out of math class to help some new kids from the other school, and it wasn't fair! Why did she get to help the kids and miss class. Winter could do just as good. Well, probably not but he would try to miss Kestrels annoying taunts.

"Why does nature hate me?"

Suddenly, a girl with dark green hair bumped into Winter, knocking them both the floor. Why that little annoyance. She'd pay for messing with him.

"Watch it!" the girl yelled. "I was walking here, dummy!"

"How about you watch it!" Winter barked back. "You're the one not looking where there going!"

The girl and Winter faced off, both of them looking furiously at one another. Winter wasn't sure if he'd win this fight, but he wasn't going to let her make a fool of him!

Suddenly, another one of the new kids burst down the hall. She wore bright blue clothes and had blonde hair. Was she going to help her friend? She better not!

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