Ch 8: Volunteers

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Winter's P.O.V.

Winter was looking after the dogs at the Adoption Center. Three weeks ago, he'd agreed to look after the the dogs every Saturday. There was one thing made the job bearable. He got to hang out with a dog named Bandit. His bundle of energy was the only thing that didn't have Winter running away from pure boredom.

Still, it was a little boring. He was there, 6 hours a day, with nobody to even talk to. Sometimes he got to walk the dogs, but that wasn't enough. He needed someone to yell at or at least talk to. Just because he was a jerk didn't mean he was 24/7.

"Why did I volunteer to do this again. MOST BORING JOB EVER!!!!"

"Winter!" the manager said stepping in. "I have a job for you. There's a new person coming in to help you and I need you to show them the ropes."

"Thank goodness"

"Yes sir!" he said. "You can count on me!"

For what felt like hours, he waited, when was this person going to show up? The day was half way over, and the supposed new worker was missing. Who was this annoyance?

"Well, we've got someone to help you." Winter heard his boss telling someone he guessed was the person he was going to be teaching.

"Go in that room and meet him." the boss said.

"Thank you." a familiar voice said.

"It can't be!"

When the person walked in, he was stunned. Black hair, black dress, green eyes. Moon.

"Winter!" she gasped. "Your whose teaching me?"

"Guess so." he laughed. "Today though we've gotta walk a particular dog. You up for it?"

"Um.... Ok?" she coughed. "But what particular dog?"

Winter showed Moon to the cage at the very end of them all. Inside stood the biggest slobber menace of all time. He opened the cage and the dog ran out, tackling Moon.

"Whose this." she laughed through his licks.

"This would be the very evil, Bandit." Winter joked. "Don't tell the other dogs, but he's my personal favorite."

Bandit suddenly ran up to Winter and tackled him as well. Winter was embarrassed as the black and white puppy slobbered all over him.

"You like him?" Moon asked. "Of all the things I've seen about you, this is the most surprising."

"I hope that's the last weird thing you find about me." he chuckled. "Now we've gotta get some food for him. Come on."

The two walked through the city side by side. Winter was mystified. Moon acted as if he'd done something and just kept her gaze away from him.

"Did I do something to her? I hope not!"

When the three arrived at the pet store, Bandit rushed in almost pulling Winter over and making Mokn laugh. It was good to see her happy since she'd been so secluded to him.

"We need three bags of dog food, Moon." he told her. "And fast becaus we've only got thirty minutes to get back!"

At that sentence, Moon rushed off, leaving Winter and Bandit on a bench outside. When she came out, she was holding three giant bags of food. Bandit was too surprised as he drooled in excitement.

That day was truly one Winter would not forget. He'd now made a good connection with his crush, but something pulled at him. She'd kept giving him strange glances all day, but why?

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