Ch 14: Christmas Sleepover! pt 1.

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Kinkajou's P.O.V.

Kinkajou was soooooooooo exited! It was Christmas Eve and she and Glory's friends were coming over for a sleepover! They were going to spend Christmas together!

"You ready?" Glory asked.

"You ready to see Deathbringer?" Kinkajou shot back.

Glory just gave a frown, but said nothing more. Kinkajou thought it was interesting how Deathbringer actually got her sister. For years he'd been trying and failed, but now he'd been successful. How did he do it?!

"Hello girls." their mom said coming down the stair. "Now remember, while we're gone your friends can't wreck the place. We'll see you all in a week."

"Bye mom and dad!" 

Their parents left the house for the airport, leaving Kink and Glory alone in the house. Let the Christmas fun begin!

When the first ring of the doorbell came, Kinkajou opened it to see Tsunami and Turtle waiting. She was so excited that she would be spending the holidays with her new boyfriend. Who could ask for better?

"You ready?" she asked him.

"Since you always have truth or dare at your parties, Ima go with no." he teased. "But the rest should be ok..... I guess."

"Turn that frown upside down, T!" she cheered. "It's Christmas! No time for bah humbug!"

Suddenly, another doorbell rang as Winter had arrived. He was surprisingly dressed fairly festive, but still looked very annoyed.

"Speaking of bah humbug...." Turtle sighed. "Remind me why your BFF likes him."

Kinkajou ignored her boyfriend and opened the door. Winter looked rather fazed and this cold wasn't doing him any good. She wondered why he liked to live in the coldest part of Pyrrhia, AL?

"Hey Wint." she said. "Not everyone's here so you can wait by the fireplace."

Winter just gave her a small nod and sat by the burning heat. Kinkajou was worried why he was being so weird, but set those thoughts aside and continued her waiting. After all, he was used to the cold. Right?

When everyone had arrived, they all sat in the massive living room! Being daughter of the president did have its benefits. Now, it was time they discussed the activities they would embark on in these few days.

"What we're you guys thinking?" Glory asked. "Besides my sisters favorite, T.O.D. Were saving that for later."

"What about a snowball fight?" Clay asked. "Since there's so much snow, it could be good exercise and fun!"

"I think I'll just watch." Winter said almost to quiet for anyone to hear.

Now that Kink looked at him closer, she could see he had a runny nose and was tucked under a pile of blankets. She gave him a look that was filled with worry. What was going on with him?

Moon's P.O.V.

Moon saw her friends gaze go to her boyfriend. Winter was looking a little feverish and missing winter activities wasn't his style. After all, even though being a little rough around the edges, he loved Christmas!

"If you say so." Kinkajou coughed. "Everyone else, let's go!"

The group grabbed their winter coats and headed out to the Leaf's backyard and made teams for the smowball fight. They decided on Clay, Qibli, Fatespeaker, Tsunami, Deathbringer, Starflight, and Kinkajou vs. Ostrich, Glory, Turtle, Moon, Peril, Riptide, Sunny.

It was weird to have her family all on the opposite side, but awesome because she could annihilate them! Deathbringer and Starflight were going down!

The game started in a full out massacre. Multiple hits, falls, cries for help, and cold noses! Moon looked back at the window. She saw Winter sitting at a table with his head barely awake. She'd have to talk to him after the fight to see if he was ok.

Suddenly, a white thing flying through the air hit Moon directly in the face, knocking her back a few steps. She looked over to see her brother and cousin looking at her with mischief in their eyes.

"Going to have to be better than that little sis." Deathbringer teased.

"Come and get us slowpoke!" Starflight agreed.

Moon grabbed a heap of snowballs and fired each and everyone at the two boys. They weren't expecting what was coming and were knocked off their feat and fell to the cold ice.

"We give up!" Deathbringer shouted. "Show mercy."

"I don't believe it!"

Glory jumped out from behind some trees and helped Moon hit her family with a big grin. Moon guessed showing Deathbringer some "fun" was just the thing to spark her day." In the end, Moons team knocked down the opponents and everyone was covered in snow!

When she got back inside to see Winter, he was curled up on the couch with blankets all over him! Moon could now see a fever starting to develop and was filled with grief. Why did the icy haired boy come in a condition like this?

"Come on." she urged. "Let's not have you actually turning into Mr. Freeze."

"I said I'm- AACHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" he sneezed. "I'm fine."

"You don't sound fine," she observed. "And you need some rest. I'm sure Kink and Glory will let you use their guest bedroom."

"Ok." he wheezed.

Moon came out of the room and down to her friends. Winter was looking a little better after taking some rest and she was glad he hadn't protested more or it may have been to late.

"Where's Winter?" Qibli asked.

"Is he ok?" Clay joined in. "He did seem to be a little..... off."

"He's just got a cold." Moon informed. "He's going to rest for now."

"Why'd he even come?" Glory asked.

"Beats me." Moon sighed. "But he is Winter."

"Well, I guess will play the games without him." Kinkajou said. "Now, time for truth or dare!"

When they started, Moon was extremely nervous. She knew that her friends were evil when it came to truth or dare, and she was sure the older ones were worse.

She remembered the last year when she was dared to wear a clown suit for a week. It took a while for Moon to forgive Kink, but she eventually did, even though she was the most embarrassed as she had ever been.

"So, who's go first?" Clay asked.

"Me!" Kinkajou screamed.


"Turtle, truth or dare?"

"Dare." he mumbled.

She leaded in to whisper something in his ear. He held an expression that said whatever her dare was, he was scared to do it. He walked over to where Tsunami was sitting and slapped her across the face.

"Fish breath!" he yelled, then ran for his life to a spot behind Kinkajou.

"Get over here you two!"

Tsunami chased Kink and Turtle around the room. Turtle looked as if he was praying for safety while Kinkajou looked pleased with herself. IDIOT!

The group continued to go around until the games were over. Moon was relieved and headed up to the room she was staying in for the night. Her and Winter were sleeping in the same room, and while he was sick, she didn't care. He needed to be with someone.

She climbed into the bed and drifted of into sleep. Tomorrow would be a great day!

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