Medusa grabbed the sunglasses temple and pulled it. Like Athena had said, she could not remove it. She shifted her focus back at Athena and lurched towards her. She swung her arms, but Athena managed to avoid the sharp nails by throwing back her head. Quickly Athena raised her shield, but Medusa managed to somersault a few steps backwards. Hissing like a snake, she ran back towards Athena. Her snake hair straightened, similar to normal snakes preparing to target their prey. Raising her sword and shield, the goddess also hurtled towards Medusa.

The scratching sounds were produced as Medusa did not stop swinging her arms, and Athena concentrated on blocking the brutal attack. Unexpectedly, two snakes on Medusa's head stretched and encircled Athena's neck, making the goddess lower her shield and focus on extricating the snakes from her neck. Medusa did not wish to waste the moment, as she punched Athena's chest, making the goddess fall and lay on the ground. Kneeling one knee on the breastplate, Medusa rapidly punched Athena on her face. Seeing it, Dylan wanted to help. But the thought that the enemy was not an ordinary human hesitated him, making him can only tremble, while at the same time grinding his teeth.

"Kolaseos seem to have made you lose your combat abilities," Medusa said as she kept pelting Athena. "Pallas will surely be disappointed if she still lives!"

"You do not get to mention her name!" Athena was enraged. Simultaneous with her newly emerged emotion, spikes emerged from her shoulder protectors. These spikes launched against Medusa, making the serpent lady squeal in pain and topple backward. Athena promptly rose to her feet and darted to Medusa who also hurriedly rose to her feet. Athena swung her sword, but in the last seconds Medusa managed to duck down, thus severing only two of her snakes. The severed head melted as soon as they fell onto the ground.

Hissing once again, Medusa somersaulted back. This time, she unexpectedly landed on the wall at the back, like she was the superhero Spiderman. Looking up with a glare, smoke emerged from her legs and blanketed the entire lower part of her body. From the spot where her feet were glued on the wall, the smoke grew wider and longer. The smoke then began to disperse, revealing something enormous that wriggled side to side. Dylan's eyes instantly went wide with terror when he finally learned that this wriggling enormous object was a giant snake body, attached to Medusa from her waist area.

Medusa jumped towards Athena, her arms were ready to embrace the goddess. Athena jumped, but Medusa successfully threw her arms around Athena's legs. With one quick movement Medusa smashed Athena to the ground, before she pinned her down with her giant snake body. Athena dropped her sword and shield, and she flailed her arms; she was attempting to touch the giant body.

Suddenly, two snakes emerged from the giant snake body and entwined Athena's wrists, thus restricting her from moving her hands.

"This is what I've always been waiting for two thousand years!" Medusa exclaimed as she opened her mouth, revealing snake-like fangs in it. Opening her jaw wider, she moved her body lower towards Athena. But Athena raised her head, making her fangs clatter against the goddess' helmet.

"I have enough of this!" Athena exclaimed. Followed by it, Medusa suddenly screamed in pain and threw her upper torso back. Massive blood flowed out from her snake body as she straightened it, giving Dylan a clear view on what was happening: the entire upper armor of Athena was unexpectedly full of spikes, and most of them pierced the snake body.

The spikes went down, thus freeing Medusa and making her crawl back. Athena rose to her feet and grabbed her sword, before darting to Medusa. She jumped and severed three snakes from Medusa's head. Enraged, Medusa flailed and tried to scratch Athena. The goddess ducked down repeatedly, until she spotted an opening to stab the snake body. Medusa once again screamed in pain. This time, her snake body started to melt, similar to what happened to her snake hairs earlier. After a little while, Medusa finally returned to her first monstrous form.

Dylan King and His New Roommate Called Goddess Athena [1st Book]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant