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Thursday, November 23rd

"UNCLE DD!" Sammy exclaimed as Derek ran through the living room with his niece attached to his back, her voice squealing loudly as he laughed, swinging her into the dining room as he slid across the floor and swung her around on his neck, where he caught her in his arms as she giggled. "Let's do it again!" She exclaimed as Derek breathed heavily, laughing as Sarah shook her head.

"You shouldn't be running through the house." Sarah said with her eyebrows raised as Derek laughed breathlessly.

"I wasn't running through the house, Uncle DD was running through the house..."

"Uncle Derek..." Sarah replied.

"Eh." Sammy shrugged her shoulders as Morgan stood on the ground holding her arms up.

"Up! Up! Up, DD! Up!" She exclaimed.

"Look at that..." Derek said as he slid Sammy to the floor and lifted Morgan into his arms. "Someone wants some hugs..." He said as he lifted his niece above his head and listened to her happy squeal.

"Uncle DD, when is Zoey going to be back from visiting her mommy?" Sammy asked as she sighed. She looked up at Derek and watched as the smile fell from his face.

"Oh, she'll be home soon..." He said with a kind smile, watching Sammy's eyes on his. "What?" He asked as she shrugged.

"Nothin..." She said as she turned and headed off down the hallway. Derek was about to sit down, when the doorbell rang. "Doorbell, doorbell!" Sammy exclaimed as she ran toward the door.

"Samantha! Don't you open that door!" Sarah called as she glared at Derek rolling his eyes as he walked down the hallway.

"I'm coming, Sammy..." Derek said as he carried Morgan down the hallway with him, and looked out the peek hole on the door. He took a deep breath as he looked down at Sammy. "Are you ready?" He asked as she nodded her head and grinned. He swung the door open and laughed as Sammy hopped in front of him. "Who is that?" He asked as Sammy's eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

"NANNY!" She exclaimed as Marjorie laughed at the sight of her granddaughter standing in front of her.

"Oh my goodness! I must be late!" She exclaimed as she bent down and hugged Sammy, lifting her into her arms as she gave Derek a half smile. "You are getting so big!"

"I am!" Sammy exclaimed as her grandmother let her down and she ran into the house to announce the arrival to her mother.

"You found the place." Derek said with a smile as he held his hand out to her.

"I did..." Marjorie said with a smile. "It was quite the experience, let me tell you... I didn't know if the cab driver was trying to trick me or something." She said as she took his hand and stepped into the house, accepting a kiss from Morgan as she stepped into Derek's house. "Oh my goodness, Derek... this house is absolutely breathtaking!" She exclaimed as she looked at the woodwork and fine detail put into the entrance.

"Thank you." He said with a smile. "Now it's time for the tour..." He said with a chuckle as he watched the kitchen door open. "Sarah..." She said with a smile as the door opened and Sarah and Sammy came walking out.

"Hey, Mom..." She smiled.

"Where is everyone else?" She asked, looking around as she watched Derek let Morgan to the ground.

"They'll be here soon." Sarah said as she gave Marjorie a hug. "Let's show you around..." She said as Derek rolled his eyes.

"I already said that..." He chuckled as he took Marjorie's arm and began the tour of the house.

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