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The rain was unforgiving. It poured down in sheets, wave after wave of raindrops pounding into everything that stood in its path. The cemetery stood empty, stoic, and alone on the side of the hill, it's gray and white stones taking the brunt of the vicious storm as the wind swirled and pushed the rain into patterns in the air and eventually pushed the falling water to the ground.

The rain gathered in small puddles along the path through the cemetery, the water displaced in a constant pattern as more water ran down the hard asphalt into the cracks, creases and crevices of the path. Far along the path, three umbrellas bobbed solemnly along, their owners each bundled in their jackets, the black of the two larger umbrellas overshadowing the delicate tiny pink umbrella that bobbed along between them.

Tiny pink galoshes splashed into each puddle, no giggles were emitted, only the occasional eye contact between the gray eyed girl and her two companions. There were no words passed between the three of them, no words were needed, for they all knew what the other was thinking.

The little girl's hand was warm and enveloped delicately into Derek's, his pace was slow and solemn as he watched her little feet skip along in a desperate attempt to keep up. She looked up at Mark, his eyes were downcast and open, his mind was elsewhere, keeping itself warm and far away from the sadness that he felt walking through the desolate, soaking resting place for the dead.

They stepped down the path, the only sound in their wake was the gentle splashing of the little girl's feet, and the hard hammering of the rain into the nylon of the umbrellas. Large drops of collected water slipping from its waterproof covering and falling to the ground, mixing with the water that had long since found its way to the waiting asphalt.

They turned at the next path, somewhat sharply, causing Mark to step into the grass for a moment, his foot sliding along the slick green clumps of grass as he lifted his foot and placed it squarely on the pavement as Derek turned again, walking down the line of gravestones toward a freshly placed stone, and the dark spot behind it, marking the freshly laid grave.

Derek stopped before the stone, his eyes burning into its granite structure, his eyes moving along the scrolling words upon it, his heart fluttering in his chest as he felt Mark step up behind him and place his hand on his shoulder.

"Derek?" Mark whispered.

"No." Derek replied, his voice but a deep shuddering croak as he tried to swallow his words.

"It's alright." Mark whispered.

"It's not alright." Derek choked. "It's not alright." He whispered, feeling Mark back off for a moment, his hand moving to his pocket as the little spirit in pink galoshes tugged playfully at his fingers. She was restless and tired, her eyes wide with concern for Derek as he stared at the stone as if he were trying to change the past.

"DD?" She said as she looked up at him, trying desperately to get his attention, to see some sort of reaction from him. "DD?" She said again, her voice the perfect mimic of itself as she waited.

Derek looked down at the angelic figure below him, her hair in braids, her eyes filled to the brim with concern as tiny droplets of rain splattered from her umbrella to her raincoat. "Hmm?" he whispered as he watched her tilt her head.

"Can we go see Mommy now?" She asked as Derek glanced quickly to Mark. "I want to go see her now..." She said as she swallowed hard.

Derek took a slow, deep breath. He held it for a split second as he very carefully crouched to her level. "Sweetheart." Derek shook his head as he watched her bite her bottom lip and wait. "We talked about this." He said softly.

"I... but..." Zoey whimpered.

"Zoey." Derek whispered as he watched the little girl's eyes drop to the rain soaked ground. She gripped Derek's hand tighter and pushed herself into him as she held tightly to him, refusing to say another word as Derek and Mark said their silent goodbyes.

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