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Kara and Derek walked up the steps of the school, passing children who were heading toward school buses and parent's cars. They entered the front doors and showed the identification cards that they had been given as parents of children who attended the school, and walked toward the classroom. "Kara..." Derek said softly as she looked to him and smiled politely. "Just... I just...I need to explain something about Zoey." He stammered as her brow furrowed. She stopped and turned to face him as she glanced toward the classroom as the children all rushed to the coat hooks.

"What is it?" She whispered as she glanced toward the classroom as the two girls came running from the room.

"DD!" Zoey exclaimed as she jumped and leapt into Derek's arms as he caught her in mid air and lifted her over his head and brought her down again to kiss her cheek.

"She's... Perfect..." Derek said softly as he cuddled her into him as Carrie ran up to her mother and hugged her as her attention remained on Derek's face, the anxiety on his face was evident as she looked her daughter in the eyes.

"How was your day, sweetheart?" Kara said with a genuine smile to the little girl.

"It was good..." She said with a smile as she looked over at Zoey as she talked quickly to Derek. "Zoey is my new best friend!"

"Really?" Kara asked as she looked up at Derek as he smiled down at the little girl as Zoey pointed out the same thing about Carrie.

"Yes!" Carrie exclaimed.

"Can we go see Sleeping Beauty now?" Zoey asked as she tugged on Derek's shoulder. "Can we? Can we bring Carrie to see Sleeping Beauty..." She asked excitedly as Derek looked over to Kara and back to Zoey.

"Meredith is resting, sweetheart... we should let her rest..."

"But I wanted to show Carrie how she can talk with her eyes... and how prettyful she is... I promised Carrie I'd show her... oh, DD... oh, DD, please? Please?" She begged as Derek shook his head softly.

"I... we can't visit Meredith tonight... not right now..." He said softly as he bounced the little girl. "How would you like to go to get some pizza for dinner with Carrie and her mom?" Derek asked as Zoey glanced to Kara.

"No!" She exclaimed.

"Zoey, that's enough..." Derek said softly as he tried to be firm and serious with her.

"I don't want to go! I want to go see Sleeping Beauty! I want to go see Sleeping Beauty, now!" She screeched as Derek cringed.

"Zoey, stop..."

"NO!" She screamed. "LET GO OF ME!" She shouted as she hit Derek on the shoulder.

"Zoey, stop this right now."

"NO!" She screamed as she swung her hand as hard as she could, slamming Derek's face with her open palm as the sound of her hand hitting his skin echoed through the hallway as everyone who was in the vicinity waited for Derek's reaction. Zoey stopped, her eyes widening as she stared at Derek's face, his cheeks turning red, not from the slap but from the embarrassment of being stared at by everyone.

His face suddenly became very serious as he turned his eyes from Zoey and looked to Kara. "Kara, I'm sorry... Zoey and I won't be able to join you for dinner this evening..." He said softly as she nodded her head and watched him shift Zoey in his arms as she took Carrie's hand in hers. "Perhaps another time..." He said as she nodded softly. "Thank you for the company today... We'll see you in the morning." He said softly as Kara said a soft goodbye and watched as Derek turned on his heel with the little girl in one arm and her backpack in his hand as she looked back to her friend, her screams echoing through the hallway as Derek walked, unaffected through the hallways with her in his arms.

"NO! NO! I'm SORRY! I'M SORRY, DD! NO! NO! LET'S GO BACK! LET'S GO BACK! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! DD! DD! I'M SORRY! CARRIE! I WANT TO HAVE PIZZA! I WANT TO GO! DD! PLEASE! PLEASE!" She screamed as Derek walked down the sidewalk with the little girl, his arm firmly around her as he said not a word, only carried her back down the street toward the hospital. He stepped up to the car silently and unlocked it, sliding the screaming little girl in the car seat as he reached across and let her scream in his ear as he buckled her in, walked around the car and got into his seat. He turned the ignition, put the car in drive, and drove all the way home with the wailing six year old in his ear, breaking his heart.

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