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Derek held the little girl's hand as they very slowly walked down the stairs together. Zoey peeked around Derek as they neared the bottom, her feet slowing as he reassured her with a soft squeeze of her hand. She looked up at him and he winked at her, watching her lips curl into a smile, she took a deep breath as she released Derke's hand and bounded down the stairs in front of him. "Zoey..." Derek said as the little girl flitted into the living room where the social workers were sitting.

"Hi, I'm Zoey and I like it here... don't take me away from Just Derek... he gave me my own room with big windows and tells me that he loves me and he makes sure I eat cheeseburgers and cereal... and he has a friend named Mister Mark who comes here and gives me hugs and kisses and makes sure that I smile a lot... later we're going shopping for toys and furniture and then we're going to go visit Sleeping Beauty, so please don't take me away from him... he's my best friend and..." Zoey trailed on.

Derek lifted the rambling girl into his arms as he smile down at the social workers. "She's a bit of a rambler..." Derek said with a soft smile as the little girl's lip stuck out as she gripped Derek tightly.

"I'm just telling them..." She whimpered as she looked to the man and woman as they gave her a kind smile.

"Why don't you sit down with us..." The woman asked the little girl, who nodded softly.

"Zoey, this is Ms. Nolan and Mr. Martin..." Derek said as the little girl's mouth opened and closed as if she wanted to speak but couldn't think of what to say. "Go ahead and say hello." Derek replied as he smiled across at them as he sat down with Zoey on his lap.

"Hi." She said, her voice was soft and sweet as she watched them cautiously, her hand kneading into Derek's leg as she gripped his pant leg.

"Hi, Zoey..." Mr. Martin said softly as the little girl's eyes flashed to him and then to the woman. "How are you doing today?"

"Um... super duper." She said, nodding seriously.

"Wow... super duper... that sounds really good." Ms. Nolan replied.

"Uh huh... don't take me away from Just Derek." She blurted out. The social worker's eyebrows raised at the little girl's words and Derek smiled.

"She calls me Just Derek because when she first met me, she asked me what she could call me, and I said Just Derek... and it kind of stuck..." Derek smiled as the little girl continued to watch the two of them cautiously.

"She seems very attached to you, Mr. Shepherd." Mr. Martin said softly.

"She's been through more than any kid should go through, Mr. Martin. She's been through more than any adult should go through. She's a smart, she's funny, she's sweet... and if she feels comfortable with me, I'm perfectly fine with her being attached for a little while."

"You do know that she must be enrolled in school as soon as possible?"

"We went over this yesterday." He nodded. "I have this week off to get everything settled with the school, to get her used to the idea of going to school. She was homeschooled in New York... and I know that she can read a little... she knows her numbers, and is a very quick learner. I am meeting with the school on Thursday." Derek nodded.

"You're a surgeon, Mr. Shepherd?"

"I am a doctor, yes... working my way to surgeon. I am currently in my third year of my residency."

"I'm sure that takes up a lot of your time."

"It does, it can... but with the guidance of my boss and other staff members, I am able to manage my time. I have the support of my friends, of which Zoey also trusts in the instance that I need help or a babysitter. I have experience with children." Derek said, his voice beginning to sound almost bored as he explained his credential yet again. "I come from a large family, and have been around children my entire life, so I'm not a stranger to how to raise them. I'm a doctor, I know what to do when a child has the sniffles, if they have a fever... I know how to take care of a child." Derek said softly, finishing his sentence sternly as he watched the social workers watch him.

"Are you currently in a relationship?" The woman asked.

"Not at this time." Derek replied. "I am not promiscuous... my last relationship lasted three years and ended because the woman was not ready to settle down. Me? I'm ready to settle down, I'm prepared to have a family and I have more love for this little girl than you could ever even fathom...and it kills me inside to know what happened to her. Every time she cringes or recoils, my heart breaks a little more. She's innocent and pure and deserves to be treated that way." Derek said as Zoey watched the determination in his eyes.

"Well..." Mr. Martin said softly as he cleared his throat. "From your information given yesterday, we were able to run a background check. Everything came out fine... you seem to be a model citizen, Mr. Shepherd. We'd like to... first take a tour of the house if possible... and then we would be on our way..."

"You're not taking me away, are you?" Zoey spoke up.

"We're not taking you anywhere, sweetheart." Mr. Martin said with a shake of his head. "You seem to be very loved here, Zoey."

"Just Derek does love me." Zoey said with a whisper as she continued to watch the strangers suspiciously. Derek leaned into her ear and watched her smile as he whispered. "Would you like to see my new bedroom?" She asked as she glanced to Derek. The man and woman nodded and smiled, watching as Zoey slipped from Derek's lap to the floor and made her way quickly to the stairs. "Come on up..." She waved at them. "Come on up to my new bedroom!" She exclaimed as she walked up the stairs quickly as the social workers followed behind, with Derek watching the little spirit disappear down the hallway.

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