Chapter 1

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At main family house..

Every bodyguards are doing their own work.. Chan suddenly call out the other bodyguards to line up at infront of the door... Chan then say.. Ok everyone! Today... We will be welcoming Mr Karn and both of their sons from a minor family.. I hope all of you will behave.. Thats all.. Chan then walk away.. Pete then say.. Porsche.. Please behave yourself na.. Porsche nod and smile then reply.. Of course I will.. Don't worry.. Suddenly.. All the bodyguards line up as they see 2 cars coming through.. Porsche then see Mr Karn coming out from the car and look around.. Porsche then ask to Pete while whisper.. Is that Mr Karn? Pete bow to Mr Karn and continue.. Yes Porsche.. He is Mr Karn.. The head of minor family.. Then Vegas walk in front of Porsche while staring at Porsche for 3 minutes and smile softly then walk inside.. Porsche heart starts to beat fast but choose to ignore it.. Porsche then smile like an idiot.. Pete then frown and wave his hand in front of Porsche face and say.. Hello.. Mr Daydreamer? Are you ok na? Ei.. Khun Vegas is just arrives.. Please.. Don't tell me.. That you already fell in love with him na? Porsche then chuckle and ask.. Is it wrong to love him? Pete then reply.. Its not wrong Porsche.. But.. Just think about it again.. We are just a bodyguard na... A rich man like Mr Kinn and Mr Vegas.. Won't ever look at us na Porsche.. Porsche sigh slowly and nod.. Porsche then take a fresh air at the garden while smoking... Porsche then see Macau is throwing a pebbles in the pond.. Porsche then say.. Nong.. You can't throw the pebbles there.. Macau then reply.. Can you please stay away from me huh?! What a disturbance! Porsche then say.. Nong.. Please.. You can't play around here.. Porsche is trying to take all the pebbles from Macau.. Macau then push Porsche away... Macau then walk backwards.. And didn't notice that he is almost fall into the pond... Porsche is about to pull Macau from the pond.. Unfortunately.. Macau fell into the pond.. Porsche then feel shock and about to help Macau.. Macau then yell.. Fuck off little bitch! Ouch! My head! Porsche suddenly see a man then say.. Im truly sorry! I didn't mean to! That man say.. Khun Macau.. Please.. Lets go.. And you! While pointing to Porsche then reply.. Be prepared.. You will get shot to death! Now.. Come with me! Macau then run into the house.. While Porsche is got drag by the man..

In meeting room..

Kinn is having a discussion with his Pa.. Mr Karn and Vegas.. Macau then yell.. Pa!! Please help me! My head is bleeding! That stupid man push me into the pond Pa!! Kinn look at Porsche with anger.. While Vegas look at Porsche and rise his eyebrows.. Porsche then say.. No.. Its not true.. Khun Macau is fall into the pond by his own.. Karn then say with anger in his voice... Who the hell giving you a permission to speak?! Brother.. Who is this stupid man?! Why do you let a poor man like him work in here? Mr Korn then reply.. Its not even your business.. Porsche is a new worker here.. Porsche then say.. Im truly sorry Mr Karn.. Kinn then roll his eyes and say... Im truly sorry uncle.. Because I already fail to handle my people well.. Kinn then get up and walk towards Porsche.. Kinn then slap Porsche face until his lips are bleeding.. Vegas feel shock as he see his cousin slap his own bodyguard.. Vegas then get up and walk towards Kinn then say.. Enough Kinn! Kinn then roll his eyes and start to feel annoyed by Vegas.. Kinn then say.. Take him to the prison.. I will teach him a lesson.. Then.. 2 bodyguards starts to drag Porsche away.. Porsche then say.. Please! I didn't do anything! Let me go! Vegas then pull his little brother and leave the meeting room..Macau then ask.. Phi.. Where are you taking me? Vegas then ignore Macau and take him and reply.. Wait at the lobby.. Vegas then walk away and leave Macau alone.. Meanwhile in the meeting room...
Kinn then say.. Im sorry.. I have something to handle.. Kinn then walk away and go to the prison.. The guard then see Kinn is coming.. Quickly open the door for Kinn to get inside.. Kinn then start to slap Porsche and kick Porsche stomach twice.. Porsche then yell.. Khun Kinn! Please.. Its hurts! Kinn keep torture Porsche without showing any mercy.. Kinn then yell.. How dare you did that to Macau?! I should just let you die asshole! Porsche then cry in silence and hug Kinn legs and say.. Khun Kinn.. Im truly sorry na! Kinn kick Porsche chest hard then say.. Stay away from minor family! Don't you dare to gain a sympathy from others especially that bastard Vegas.. And if I see you get close to Vegas.. I will kill you both!! Understand?! Kinn kick Porsche stomach and leave the jail.. Follow by Big and Ken... Porsche start to feel weak even more and let the darkness take over him..

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