And, if I'm not mistaken, they're posing together... at the kissing booth.

I guess the committee must've decided to reuse it for the dance... but still. That stupid booth holds some pretty personal memories for me... and Elle. It was the site of our first kiss. And our second kiss, too.


The knife twists again.

I ask Chloe to come home with me for Thanksgiving. Both because I don't want her spending the holiday by herself, stuck at school, and because I don't want to face everything at home alone. She happily agrees, and after an exam period that feels like it will never end, we board the plane back to LA early on Thanksgiving morning. The flight is smooth, and we're both so exhausted that we manage to sleep most of the way there.

Dad collects us from the airport, and all too soon, we're pulling into the driveway at home. We grab our bags from the trunk and head inside, where I'm quickly intercepted by Mom.

"Hi, sweetie," she smiles, kissing me on the cheek as she wraps me on a hug, before glancing behind me.

"Hi, Mom. This is Chloe."

"Hello, hon," she said, pulling Chloe into a quick embrace. "It's so lovely to finally meet you. Noah's told us so much about you."

Chloe smiles. "Thank you so much for having me, Mrs Flynn. Your home is absolutely lovely."

It's about then that I lock eyes with Elle. She looks gorgeous, wearing a dress I haven't seen her in before. We both just stare, neither of us saying anything, or even moving. In the end, it's Elle who breaks the moment, turning and heading towards the kitchen while we finish the introductions.

I'm talking to Brad and Liam when I notice that Elle's reappeared and then... Chloe's hugging her. I shouldn't be surprised, Chloe's a big hugger. But this is awkward. Elle looks awkward. And now they're talking. Objectively, this is a good thing, and exactly what I would've wanted to happen if Elle and I were still together, but we're not even talking. So, yeah, seeing them be so friendly feels weird.

It's time we sit down anyway, so I head over, studiously avoiding Elle's glare as I steer Chloe in the right direction. It's not easy to avert my eyes once we sit down to eat, though, given her and Lee are directly across the table from us. I try not to be too obvious about it, but a couple of times Lee catches me staring and gives me a 'what the hell?' kind of look.

Everyone asks Chloe and I questions about school, and Boston, and for a while, it becomes a little easier to pretend that this isn't really fucking hard. But eventually, all the adults are distracted talking to one another, and I can't handle the way Elle's refusing to even glance in my direction, to even acknowledge my existence. Childishly, I provoke her, just to try and get a response.

"So, uh, Elle... how's Marco?"

Lee coughs and tries to steer the conversation onto other topics, but Elle answers anyway.

"Yeah. He's good."

I nod, hoping it looks like a natural reaction, hoping it hides the pain that's suddenly so, so sharp again.

The knife cuts a little deeper.

Elle bites her lip, waiting for me to say something, but I can't. Chloe saves me, jumping in, asking if Marco was the new guy who moved here this year. Her and Elle keep talking, about him, about how they became friends, and then Elle says she invited him to the dance, and how nice it all was. And all of a sudden, I can't stop myself from speaking.

"Yeah," I frown. "I saw. There was that photo of you guys in the kissing booth."

Elle's expression turns indignant. "Yeah. Cute, right?"

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